The Monstron invasion of Skaro occurred following the attack of the rust cloud in the year 2065.
The Invasion[]
On 23 October, TV 21 reported on a Monstron Space Republic videophone in which President Yequan announced an advanced invasion probe of Skaro. Speaking to four thousand million fighting troops, Yequan proudly proclaimed, "The robot-like Daleks of Skaro will feel the strength and might of the Monstrons. We shall conquer all". (PROSE: Fireball Explosion!) Two Monstrons, Kenex and Yeq, and a small army of Engibrains were able to land on the planet initially undetected due to the rebuilding efforts in the aftermath of the rust plague. (COMIC: Plague of Death, The Menace of the Monstrons)
News reached TV 21 on 6 November that the Monstron invaders had launched an attack on the Dalek City. (PROSE: FAB1 Back in Action!) On 4 December, TV 21 stated that the invasion came to an abrupt when the Monstrons' extinct volcano base suddenly exploded into action, destroying the enemy bridgehead. It was noted that nobody knew how or why the volcano became reactive but that it was sure to give the Daleks an opportunity to rebuild their city yet again and reorganise their defences against any further surprise attacks. (PROSE: World Weather Chaos!) A hyper-high frequency report received from Space Station K11 later revealed that a single Dalek, belieing itself to be the only survivor of the attack, avenged its people by firing its gunstick into the volcano and triggering its eruption and the destruction of the Monstrons. (COMIC: The Menace of the Monstrons)
Aftermath and legacy[]
Published around the turn of the 21st century, the Dalek Survival Guide, which contained intelligence from the future, understood that the Dalek City destroyed by the Monstrons was the second city to occupy that city, following the Kaled City destroyed in the neutronic wars and preceding what the guide knew to be the "current" city. (PROSE: Dalek Survival Guide)
The psychoplasmic Golden City Zone within the Dalek Dome had a model of both a Monstron and an Engibrain in the Corridor of Conquests. (COMIC: Liberation of the Daleks)