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Mida Slike was one of the Ministry for Alien Incursions and Ontological Wonders' "mysterious superiors".

Although Iris Wildthyme worked for MIAOW, and by extension Mida herself, she and Iris were almost always adversaries.

Iris' companion, Panda, had on many occasions expressed a sexual interest in Mida Slike, who he though was "gorgeous", (AUDIO: Wildthyme at Large) having "splendid boobs". (PROSE: Iris Wildthyme and the Polythene Terror)


Slike was a professor in bastardisation at the University of Outer Angila. (PROSE: Mad Dogs and Englishmen)

On the 12th of November, 1969, the newborn Paul Magrs dreamt of a party hosted by Dr Oho, which "international spy" Mida Slike attended. (PROSE: In the Sixties)

Mida and other members of MIAOW travelled with Iris to Hobbe's End in 1972, where they prevented some witches from summoning the Devil. They later had a party and danced around the Maypole to celebrate. (PROSE: From Wildthyme with Love)

In 1976, Slike encountered Iris at a Vince Cosmos concert. (PROSE: Hang onto Yourself)

During the late 1990s, Iris' companion Tom left her, and five years later he began writing a novel about his and Iris' adventures. Mida, seizing this opportunity to learn more about Iris, set up Satan & Satan Ltd., a secret offshoot of MIAOW. She posed as a book publisher, getting Tom to sign a contract binding him to write nine novels about Iris.

Five years later, when Iris returned to Tom, Tom and Panda tried to get Mida to terminate Tom's contract, but she refused, and Mida sent many MIAOW operatives after them. Tom and Panda were captured, but Iris freed them and forced Mida to allow Tom not to write any more novels. (AUDIO: Wildthyme at Large)

Around the 2010s, after many MIAOW operatives from the Darlington branch of MIAOW left Earth on a quest to stop the mesmeric Anthony Marvelle from reaching the Obverse, Mida fired one of the remaining operatives, Magda, and she closed down the Darlington branch. (PROSE: Enter Wildthyme)


Slike was a stern woman with a large scar on her cheek. (PROSE: Enter Wildthyme) She had green eyes. Panda thought she had "splendid boobs." (PROSE: Iris Wildthyme and the Polythene Terror)
