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A manager was an individual responsible for the work performance of other individuals.

Najia Khan was a hotel manager. (TV: Arachnids in the UK)

During the Miracle in 2011, Pidgeon was the manager addressing the angry crowd of relatives outside Cowbridge Overflow Camp. (TV: The Categories of Life)

On 31 December 2021, Dan Lewis jokingly told a bronze Dalek Executioner that he would report it to its manager. The Dalek responded that "Daleks do not have managers". (TV: Eve of the Daleks)

Damion Agrazoth was a manager and director of the Glitta Bitches. He also was the voice of the band. (PROSE: Zardox Break)

Alternate timelines[]

The Manager of Work Camp 117 was a secret member of the rebels who pretended to be serving the Daleks in an alternate 22nd century England. After the Doctor was taken away by the Controller, the Manager contacted the rebels, but was overheard by an Ogron and killed. (TV: Day of the Daleks)
