Maggots were small insects.
Sometime in the 1970s, Global Chemicals dropped chemical waste in Llanfairfach resulting in maggots mutating to become giant. (TV: The Green Death)
During a zombie attack on Cardiff in 2009, Andy Davidson saw a zombie whose wounds were wriggling with maggots while attempting to drive his police partner, Dawn Stratton, through the car park of St Helen's Hospital. (PROSE: Bay of the Dead)
In 2016, the word "maggot" was being used as a derogatory term. Andrea Quill used the word against the other Coal Hill defenders, and Corakinus used it to insult April MacLean. (TV: For Tonight We Might Die) She returned the favour when she defeated him in battle, and took his title as King of the Shadow Kin. (TV: Brave-ish Heart)