The Ninth Doctor reads an issue of Heat. (TV: Rose)
Magazines were printed or electronic publications, usually distributed on a periodic basis, and financed through a combination of subscription, purchase, and advertisement.
Jackie and Rose Tyler owned issues of Heat. In 2005, the Ninth Doctor took a quick read through one of the issues while searching for an Auton arm in her flat. (TV: Rose)

John Ellis picking out an edition of Peach. (TV: Out of Time)
An edition of Peach featured a near-naked Sadie on the front cover. (TV: Out of Time)
McCray's drugstore carried Heavy Metal. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Warhead)
The Seventh Doctor once bought a copy of Serial Killers Weekly in 2014. (PROSE: Warlock)
Susan Triad appeared on the covers of Human Interest, The Space Magazine, and Digital Everyman. (TV: The Legend of Ruby Sunday)
By the age of the Earth Empire, magazines had been replaced by holo-zines. (COMIC: Pirates of Vourakis)
Magazines available in 3012 included Guards and Guarding and Holding Captive. (PROSE: Festival of Death)