Macduff, Thane of Fife was a character in William Shakespeare's play Macbeth. (PROSE: The True Tragedie of Macbeth)
Sarah Jane Smith once referred to the Fourth Doctor as Macduff. After he asked how "Take me to your pontiff!" sounded as an introduction, she responded that it had the "ringing tone of a ham actor" before telling him to lead on.
Macduff also appeared in The Adventures of Macbeth's Head, a derivative play written by Francis Pearson in 1603. Similarly to Macbeth, the army he helped raise to remove the titular character from the throne was victorious. In the aftermath of the battle, he held Macbeth's head on a pike as Malcolm was crowned king. (PROSE: Managra)
Fictional biography[]
Act II[]
In an early draft of the play which featured the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe as characters, Macduff first appeared in Act II Scene III, which was set in Macbeth's castle. He asked a porter about whether Macbeth was awake yet but he did not require an answer as he soon showed himself. After greeting both Macbeth and Lenox, Macduff inquired as to whether the King was awake and Macbeth confirmed he was not. Noting that he was commanded "to call timely on him", Macduff entered the King's chambers but found him murdered. Shouting "Horror! Horror!", he told Macbeth and Lenox to go and see for themselves while he called for Banquo, Malcolm and Donalbain to wake up. It was Macduff who informed Donalbain of his father's death.
Act IV[]
Macduff was next referenced in Act IV Scene I by the Doctor when he told Jamie and Zoe that they would have to lull Macbeth into a false sense of security while posing as the Weird Sisters so he would be caught off-guard by the arrival of Macduff's army. During this scene, Zoe (disguised as a witch) also told Macbeth to beware Macduff though he dismissed this warning when she later prophecised that "none of woman born" would harm him.
After his encounter with the Weird Sisters, Macbeth was told by Lenox that Macduff had fled to England. He took this opportunity to "surprise" his castle and seize Fife. Macbeth also proposed that his wife and children be put to "the sword". Overhearing this conversation, the Doctor resolved to offer his and Jamie's services to Macbeth in order to avoid bloodshead. He accepted and, in Act IV Scene II, they both travelled to Fife to warn his family of the danger. The Doctor revealed that Macduff had been accused of high treason and suggested they flee while he promised to give a false testimony to Macbeth regarding their demises.
Act V[]
Macduff himself returned in Act V Scene IV, having helped to raise an army with Malcolm to remove Macbeth from the throne. Upon reaching Great Birnam Wood, Macduff was the first to notice Zoe. He initially asked her reasons for being there and told her to go home as it was no place for a girl. However, Banquo spoke up in her defence by telling the others she aided in both his and his son's escape, which was previously depicted during Act III. Zoe then explained she was there to help and told them that because Macbeth expected their assault they had to use camouflage. Macduff asked what kind and she suggested leaves and branches from the wood, thus fulfilling an earlier prophecy that Macbeth would not be vanquished until Great Birnam Wood came to Dunsinane Hill.
The Doctor later confirmed that Macbeth was leaving his castle to "fight and lose" due to not realising his men were outnumbered until it was too late, unpreparedness caused by his misinterpretations of the prophecies from Act IV. (PROSE: The True Tragedie of Macbeth)