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The MEV, which stood for either Martian Excursion Vehicle (PROSE: Zero X: Four Crew Missing) or Martian Exploration Vehicle, (PROSE: 'Jinx Ship' Blasts Off For Mars) was a vehicle designed for travel on Mars and other planets which served as part of the body of Zero X during space flight.

The MEV was pictured in action on the front page of TV 21 on 2 September 2067, accompanying an article which detailed Glenn Field's loss of Captain Black's Zero X expedition to the Rock Snake Hills of Mars. (PROSE: Capt. Black Mars Expedition Lost!)

In early 2088, the MEV was the subject of trials in the Arctic, during which time it was pictured. One of these images later appeared in Action 21. (PROSE: Zero X Beats Space Curse!)

Ahead of Paul Travers' expedition to Mars in an account dated to 2088, Mayor Lionel Lurie of Kahra stated at a press conference that if the MEV got into trouble Kahra would not be sending out search parties. He cited a lack of manpower and resources, especially fuel, since the beginning of the Mysteron War. (PROSE: 'Jinx Ship' Blasts Off For Mars) The MEV did indeed get into trouble, with Navigator Brad Newman, who was aboard the main body, reporting that contact with the rest of the crew was lost six hours prior when the MEV disappeared into a freak dust storm. (PROSE: Zero X: Four Crew Missing) According to an account dated to 4 February 2067, with the abandonment procedure operative, Newman remained in sole control of Zero X as the captain and the other crew were still missing on the surface of the planet. It was noted that he would have to consider them deceased if radio contact had not resumed by the time the oribital schedule ran out. (PROSE: Stingray Storm!) The MEV was ultimately able to rejoin with the main body, with Travers proclaiming upon his return "We made it! We beat the jinx!". (PROSE: Zero X Beats Space Curse!)
