The Liberal Party was a political party in the United Kingdom. Jeremy Thorpe was once their leader (TV: Interference - Book One) and David Lloyd George served as prime minister during World War I. (TV: Aliens of London)
The Liberal Party came to power in 1905. Herbert Asquith, Winston Churchill and David Lloyd George were all part of the government. By 1910, they were passing socially conscious legislation and budgets which paved the way for a transformation of British politics and society. (PROSE: In Case of Emergencies)
According one account, albeit a distorted one recalled under the influence of a mind parasite, Ian Chesterton was a Liberal supporter whereas Barbara Wright was a supporter of the Conservative Party. She regarded his politics as "wrong but romantic". Ian noted how the Liberals never won anything by this point. (PROSE: Nothing at the End of the Lane)
In the 1970s, a coalition of Liberals, various disenfranchised Tories and Socialists, and a group of minor fringe parties won the general election. They ran on a platform of social reform, the abolition of the death penalty, and a strong interstellar defence programme. (PROSE: The Devil Goblins from Neptune)
Behind the scenes[]
- The Liberal Party was born from the Whig movement. Contrary to the history of the Doctor Who universe, the party never returned to prominence after the First World War.