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A leg was a part of a body or furniture.

Cricket middle and leg

The Fifth Doctor wearing cricket pads on his legs. (COMIC: The Tides of Time)

Cricket pads were worn on the legs whilst playing the game. Nyssa once mistakenly called them "strange leggings" and claimed that she couldn't get used to seeing the Doctor wearing them. (AUDIO: Autumn)

Orcini had a faulty artificial hydraulic leg. (TV: Revelation of the Daleks)

Among the three gunshot wounds the Seventh Doctor sustained at the hands of a gang in San Francisco on 30 December 1999, two bullets were caught in his left leg before being removed at Walker General Hospital. (TV: Doctor Who) Rose Tyler once verbalised the Daleks' supposed inability to climb stairs as "It hasn't got legs! It's stuck!". (TV: Dalek)

Mrs Harcourt lost her leg to the London Blitz. Nanogenes reprogrammed with human genes cured her injuries and grew her leg back. She asked Doctor Constantine what had happened, and he suggested she had miscounted her legs. (TV: The Doctor Dances)

Trinto were horse-like creatures on the planet Xirrinda. Unlike Earth horses, they had six legs instead of four. (PROSE: Rain of Terror)

Immediately following his regeneration, the Tenth Doctor made sure to check that he still had, among other things, two legs. (TV: Children in Need Special)

Inside the Minotaur's prison ship, Rita threatened the Eleventh Doctor with a chair leg. (TV: The God Complex)

The Eleventh Doctor insulted Strax by telling him he had "tiny little legs". (TV: The Snowmen)

Ianto Jones broke his leg during his childhood when his father pushed him too hard on the swings. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Two)

Amy Pond was once introduced by the Eleventh Doctor as "the Legs". (TV: The Impossible Astronaut) Clara Oswald once said that Amy was made of legs, when shown an image of her via the TARDIS’s records. (HOMEVID: Clara and the TARDIS)

The newly regenerated Thirteenth Doctor found that her legs were shorter than most of her predecessors. (TV: The Woman Who Fell to Earth)

Behind the scenes

  • During the filming of The Time of the Doctor, Matt Smith suffered an injury to his leg and later had to visit a physical therapist to recuperate from the accident.