Kill the Doctor! was the seventh story in the seventh series of The Fourth Doctor Adventures, produced by Big Finish Productions. It was written by Guy Adams and featured Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor and Louise Jameson as Leela.
It was the first instalment of a story which concluded in The Age of Sutekh.
Publisher's summary[]
The TARDIS crew arrive on the planet Drummond, an Earth colony in the far future where everybody uses handheld computers from morning to night. Rania Chuma is the mastermind behind, the datastream network that tells you everything you need to know. Anyone who's anyone uses
But ever since Rania was young she's heard a voice in her head. That voice is the key to's success. And it's a voice the Doctor might find familiar.
Whilst Leela chases a thief, the Doctor looks into the planet's datastream and something evil looks back. A subliminal command flashes through to Drummond's entire population: 'Kill the Doctor'. When the entire planet is against you, where can you possibly hide?
Part one[]
to be added
Part two[]
to be added
- The Doctor - Tom Baker
- Leela - Louise Jameson
- Rania Chuma - Sophia Myles
- Sutekh - Gabriel Woolf
- Kendra - Eleanor Crooks
- Carlton Joyce - John Dorney
- Ash / Stall Owner / Shop Keeper / Dupree - Barnaby Edwards
- Leela and homeless people from Drummond rob food from Drummond Wholesale.
- It had been planned for Sutekh to appear in The Fourth Doctor Adventures very early on, but these plans were shelved when the character was due to appear in The Triumph of Sutekh in The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield. Following its release in 2015, the original plans were revisited. For Sutekh, this story takes place after Triumph and he mentions encountering the Doctor there. (BFX: Kill the Doctor!)
- Guy Adams wanted to place a historical Doctor Who villain in a more modern setting, hence the advanced setting on Drummond. He did not specifically have Blade Runner in mind for inspiration, (BFX: Kill the Doctor!) although Barnaby Edwards felt that kind of vibe in the story. (BFX: The Age of Sutehk) Blade Runner more directly influenced the previous two-parter in Series 7, The Mind Runners and The Demon Rises. (BFX: The Mind Runners, The Demon Rises)
- Sophia Myles, who previously played Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson (Reinette) in The Girl in the Fireplace, worked with Nicholas Briggs on Gerry Anderson's Firestorm, produced by Jamie Anderson. During that production, she expressed interest in working for Big Finish Productions, resulting in Briggs offering her the role in this story. (BFX: The Age of Sutehk)
- Sutekh has met the Doctor in two previous occasions. (TV: Pyramids of Mars; AUDIO: The Pyramid of Sutekh) So far, the Doctor has only met him once. (TV: Pyramids of Mars)
External links[]
- Official Kill the Doctor! page at