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The Jurassic was a period of Earth history in which the dinosaurs thrived.

The red leeches, known as Crimson Horror, were a species that were supposed to live in the Jurassic era. The Eleventh Doctor expressed intention to return a specimen who was infesting Sweetville in 1893 to the Jurassic era. (TV: The Crimson Horror)

According to the Fourth Doctor and his geologic evaluations, the hand of the Kastrian Eldrad landed on Earth during this age. (TV: The Hand of Fear)

A Concorde designated Golf Victor Foxtrot mysteriously disappeared from Heathrow Airport in 1982, inadvertently travelling down a time corridor to the Jurassic period. The Fifth Doctor used a second Concorde, designation Golf Alpha Charlie, to investigate the first Concorde's disappearance and followed it back 140,000,000 years through the time corridor. At one point the Master's TARDIS was temporarily disguised as Concorde Golf Victor Foxtrot, and materialised around it. Eventually, Concorde Golf Alpha Charlie was repaired using parts taken from Concorde Golf Victor Foxtrot and returned to 1982, leaving Concorde Golf Victor Foxtrot buried in the past. By 1982 Concorde Golf Victor Foxtrot was fossilised and buried beneath Heathrow. (TV: Time-Flight)

Professor Saurian tried to change Earth history using a "roll-back machine" that saw Times Square in New York being evacuated as the city was overrun by dinosaurs from the Jurassic. The Eleventh Doctor defeated Saurian this time by resetting his machine via "reversing the polarity of the neutron flow". Saurian was taken along with his machine and the dinosaurs back to the Jurassic Age. (COMIC: Dinosaurs in New York!)

The Twelfth Doctor once visited the Jurassic Era with Val Kent and Sonny Robinson. The trip came to a fast end when they were chased back to the TARDIS by a Tyrannosaurus rex who tried to eat them. (COMIC: Invasion of the Mindmorphs)

The Tenth Doctor once brought a Tyrannosaurus rex through a time-space portal to 2008, where it attacked two Cyberman and went back through the portal to its home time. The Doctor noted how it would drop the Cyberman remains around the Jurassic period. (PROSE: Made of Steel)

The Brontosaurus was native to the Jurassic period. (TV: Time-Flight)

The Doctor once went on a trip to the Late Jurassic where he encountered Pterodactylus antiquus. (PROSE: Something Borrowed)

The end of the Cretaceous Period was 50 million years after the upper Jurassic. (PROSE: Blood Heat)

Other references

When the Seventh Doctor and Ace encountered dinosaurs — such as Seismosaurus — after landing on Earth, the Doctor believed they had landed in the upper Jurassic, but had infact arrived in an alternate timeline where Silurians ruled over humanity. (PROSE: Blood Heat)

The Sontaran Strax defined "Jurassic emergency" the incongruous appearance of a Tyrannosaurus rex in London, during the Victorian era. (TV: Deep Breath)

Majenta Pryce offered Tony to see the Jurassic era if he were to stay at Hotel Historia. (COMIC: Hotel Historia)

Jurassic era orchids grew in the Inner World of Tyler's Folly. (PROSE: Down)

Megalosaurus and Diplodocus were two dinosaurs that went extinct in the Jurassic due to environmental changes. (PROSE: The Last Dodo)

When Ace was trying to persuade the Doctor to take her to prehistoric Earth, she imagined going back to the Late Jurassic. (PROSE: Prime Time)

Behind the scene

PROSE: Made of Steel and COMIC: Invasion of the Mindmorphs indicate that the Tyrannosaurus rex was native to the Jurassic period. In actuality, it was native to the late Cretaceous.

The Fifth Doctor says around 140,000,000 years is definitely in the Jurassic in TV: Time-Flight. In actuality, it was in the early Cretaceous.
