Jorus and the Voganauts was the fifth short story in Myths & Legends. It featured Rassilon, the Vogans, and the Ra'ra'vis.
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- He claims that time travel via the hyperspace dimensions was a dead-end on Gallifrey.
- The initial plan for the Voganauts is to travel two light-years from the Voga system through an artificial wormhole through intra-space.
- Rassilon sends a psychic message that draws the Vogo off course. The ship is named after the god Vogo.
- This story is based on the theme of the Argonauts' encounter with the clashing rocks of Symplegades mythology.
- Serving as a prequel to Revenge of the Cybermen, this story explains how the Seal of Rassilon is seen on Voga.
- Rassilon is embroiled in his war with the Great Vampires. (TV: State of Decay)
- He gives his Presidential Seal to Jorus, and the Vogans consider adopting it. (TV: Revenge of the Cybermen)
- Rassilon has been imprisoned by the Ra'ra'vis. (COMIC: Time Fraud)