In Pete's World, a Zeppelin was owned by John Lumic, CEO of Cybus Industries.
The Zeppelin a gondola, complete with crew accommodation, such as for when the President of Great Britain and Pete Tyler witnessed Lumic's presentation on "Cybermen". Secretly, Lumic was also capable of transmitting a signal to Londoners' EarPods from a transmitter protruding from the front of his ship; this forcibly brought the humans to Battersea Cyber-factory to be upgraded. John kept at least one empty Cyber-body onboard. Jake Simmonds and Mickey Smith tricked the Cyberman into punching the transmitter controls, releasing the humans from being controlled. The high voltage disabled the Cyberman. This Zeppelin was later used by the Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler and Pete as a means of escape from the exploding Battersea Power Station. Following his upgrade to Cyber-Controller, Lumic attempted to board the Zeppelin only to be sent plummeting down to the burning factory by Pete using the Doctor's sonic screwdriver. (TV: The Age of Steel)
Directed by Mickey, a Zeppelin was later used by the Preachers in the liberation of Paris. (GAME: Save Paris)