- For other Jennfiers, see Jennifer .
Jennifer was a student at a school in Philadelphia. She bullied Brittany Mordley.
One day in 2008, Jennifer and her friends found Brittany Mordley's notebook, and filled it with scribbles and insults, with some being specific, some generic, although they got lazier the farther they went into the book. Brittany had to stifle herself when she found her notebook in that state, as she knew that the bullies would get her into trouble. Despite this, Jennifer giggled at Brittany, but ceased when Mr Hendricks asked her what she was laughing about.
The next day, after Brittany found a vial of Cyberon in her uncle's possessions, Jennifer (being given time to spare as she was acting as a teacher's assistant for an hour) trapped Brittany in a stall in a bathroom, and she began verbally attacking Brittany, addressing her loneliness and suspecting that was actually stupid and a slut outside of the school, and that she should do the whole school a favour by jumping off a roof. Brittany, feeling she had no other choice, administered the Cyberon drug, giving her the strength to force the door open, which sent Jennifer crashing into the sinks. Brittany grabbed Jennifer's wrists, pinning her, and using one of her hands to grab Jennifer's throat and then slam her face against the mirror, enough to hurt Jeniifer but not break her. As Brittany saw Jennifer tearing up, she felt like it was ambrosia.
However, when Brittany saw her reflection in the mirror, seeing the distorted reflection of the Cyberon looking back at her, she let Jennifer go, as she wasn't a bully. Jennifer moved away from Brittany, but never took her eyes off her. She then ran out of the room when Brittany struggled with the Cyberon in her. (PROSE: Silver-Tongued Liars)