The Interdimensional Copyright Office was an organisation feared by the Plume Coteries.
Auteur claimed to Maritsa that he had done her a favour by altering one letter of her name from the original spelling, (PROSE: The Cactus and the Corpse [+]Aristide Twain, Horrors of Arcbeatle (Auteur, Coloth, Arcbeatle Press, 2023).) Marissa, (PROSE: White Canvas [+]James Wylder, A 10,000 Dawns Christmas and The Outer Universe Collection (10,000 Dawns stories featuring DWU elements, Arcbeatle Press, 2018).) because "the Interdimensional Copyright Office ha[d] eyes everywhere". (PROSE: The Cactus and the Corpse [+]Aristide Twain, Horrors of Arcbeatle (Auteur, Coloth, Arcbeatle Press, 2023).)