In 2 Minds, produced under the title of All the Little Boys, was an audio story in Season 4 of BBV Productions' Audio Adventures in Time & Space, focusing on a licensed appearance by the Rutans. It was meant to serve as the first release in the Rutans, but was ultimately the only story released under that brand.
Publisher's summary[]
Mysterious death. Grieving mother. Government conspiracy. Edinburgh hackette Nicola McLaren has heard it all before. Just a routine investigation into the whole heap of nothing that forms the humdrum grind of real life journalism, right?
Before long people try to kill her, a lunatic ex-soldier abducts her and she finds herself chased halfway across the country to meet aliens she's not even sure exist.
Oh, and then she has to save the world.
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- Foley - Martin Broad
- Nicola - Ashleigh Gray
- Wight - Nigel Peever
- Liz - Jackie Skarvellis
- Cashier / Newsreader / Host / Nash - Richard Stemp
- Dunne - Joe Young
- Tommy - Mark Greig
- Hall - Nigel Fairs
- A Rutan mentions the 9/11 attacks of the previous year.
- The Rutans come from Ruta Prime.
- The M74 goes south to the Scottish border.
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External links[]
- Official In 2 Minds audio download page at
- Official In 2 Minds DVDR page at
- In 2 Minds at the Doctor Who Reference Guide