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This may sound stupid, but I might have an idea. *spoilers* At the end of "Day of the Moon," River Song says that's the last time she'll kiss him. Might this be the last time she kisses him before "Forest of the Dead"? . She said they were moving in opposite "directions" in time. Does she have an idea that her death is soon in her timeline?

Please, if anybody knows otherwise, please say so. I'm sure I've missed something, I am rather tired.

She is talking about The Impossible Astronaut, when she said that her timeline generally runs in reverse to the Doctor's timeline, so as she gets older he gets younger. She believes that it won't be long before she meets a version of the Doctor who hasn't met her yet, and she believes that it will be the death of her. She doesn't know what will happen in the Library episodes, but she suspects some of what will happen.Icecreamdif 13:10, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, if this is his first kiss, then she must know from then onwards, he won't know her as well as he does at that moment. And the less he knows, she has probably figured out that's when she'll die! 13:20, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

I don't understand how that is true. From River's perspective, we assume she does not know her own future right, so from her perspective when they kiss there and the doctor has not kissed her before, she does not know that the doctor might step into the Tardis and reappear 5 minutes into her future and plant another on her just because he liked it, the doctor can move in time to her (and everybody else who isn't moving in time), to any point in her life. That they just so happen to be running into each other "generally backwards" is only coincidence surely not something she can know in advance. Timey wimey stuff I suppose. But it does irk me. 05:53, May 8, 2011 (UTC)

We know that she will still meet a Doctor who knows her well, at least one more time, when he gives her his sonic screwdriver.Icecreamdif 13:28, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

River Song. Re-arranged = 'Son Giverr'. This could explain the Time Girl at the ed of Day of the Moon.

That makes no sense at all. Angelus Lupus

Ya for one it's Amy who is supposedly pregnant and the child would be someone's daughter not son. V00D00M0NKY 19:04, May 2, 2011 (UTC)
In The Impossible Astronaut, when River is talking to Rory, she says that descibes the doctor as falling out of the sky, the same way Amy seems to describe (only to later reassure Rory he is the subject) the Doctor in Day of the Moon. 02:45, May 3, 2011 (UTC)

As Amy said, its a figure of speech. The fact that both Amy and River used the same figure of speech means nothing.Icecreamdif 04:20, May 3, 2011 (UTC)
