House Dvora (also known as the House of the Devouring Hounds) was a Great House of the Time Lords (PROSE: The Book of the War, AUDIO: Panacea) which was one of the six ruling Houses during the War in Heaven.
The "Devouring Hounds" title referred to the controlled dominance of a pack leader rather than the wild savagery of the followers. Dvora was an "alpha male" house, its members icy, untouchable, and ironic, but able to feign any emotion. Among the Great Houses, Dvora was renowned for being practical, efficient, and unstoppable. (PROSE: The Book of the War)
The House's most notorious members, the Imperator and the War King, both led precedent-setting Presidencies. They were products of flaws in the breeding-engines a thousand years before the War; after the Imperator crisis, Dvora was labelled a Newblood House (PROSE: The Book of the War) and its younger members were scattered around the Homeworld for their protection. Larissa was marched to the chapterhouse of House Ixion; (PROSE: Newtons Sleep) Romana grew up in the House of Heartshaven. She later called herself "inheritor of the House of Dvora". (AUDIO: Panacea)
Despite this setback, Dvora maintained its place as one of the ruling Houses, designing the world processor engines installed on Dronid after the fall of the renegade Presidency. One of its members acted as domestic security advisor to the head of the Presidency. (PROSE: The Book of the War)
During her escape from prison, Cousin Shuncucker burned down the secret minutes of House Dvora, which were kept in the records library's "Scarlet Chapterhouse" collection. (AUDIO: A Labyrinth of Histories) The Prydonian Chapter was associated with the colour scarlet; (TV: The Deadly Assassin, The Five Doctors) Romana, a member of Prydon, (PROSE: Shada, The Shadows of Avalon) once called herself "Inheritor of House Dvora". (AUDIO: Panacea) Her full name contained the word "dvora". (TV: The Ribos Operation) Two Eighth Wave soldiers who fought at the Battle of Cratosi Fields wore the scarlet armour of their chapterhouse, which was a "past figure of power" reduced to a servitor of Dvora. (PROSE: Going Once, Going Twice)
In the 16th century, a "Cardinal Dvora" educated a young Giordano Bruno to shape Bruno into an individual who would become pope, reform the Catholic Church, and lead Europe into an early age of rationalism, altering human history in a way which would benefit House Dvora in the War in Heaven. Bruno was influenced against this fate by Self of Faction Paradox. (PROSE: De Umbris Idearum)
Percy Shelley's dream-inspired 1819 poem The Mask of Anarchy originally contained a reference to Dvora:
I met Murder on the way -
He had a mask like Dvora -
Very smooth he looked, yet grim;
Seven blood-hounds followed him...
The Book of the War commented that, since the translation of House names into English was imprecise, the pronunciation of "dev-or-ay", though non-standard, wasn't unreasonable. Shelley later replaced the apparent nonsense word with the name of his political opponent, the Viscount Castlereigh. (PROSE: The Book of the War)
Tabrenilsodvoravitas was a First Wave soldier who fought at Mohandassa. (PROSE: A Farewell to Arms)
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