The Hollywood Bowl shooting was the filming of Michael Brookhaven's supposed masterpiece, Mujun: The Ghost Kingdom in 1999. Due to the unique nature of the film, over the past three years the entire movie, plot, script, costumes, scenery and all, had been programmed into the GCI processor, meaning that in order to make the movie "real", all that was needed was one take of actors reading out the script. The Hollywood Bowl was chosen as the location, starting at 9:30 in the morning, ending at noon.
Mujun was perfectly balanced between the six main roles, so when a seventh role entered the set, the production slowly began to unravel, with the dialogue changing from the planned script, flashes forward to the consequences of the film 10 years in the future, and a completely new subplot. Around twenty five minutes into the shoot, Brookhaven decided to personally intervene, leading to the Mount Usu duel. (PROSE: The Book of the War)