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Hillary Clinton

A supposed connection between Hillary Clinton and the Vore attack was reported by Fox News in 2005. (PROSE: The Gallifrey Chronicles) Rachel Edwards thought Americans were silly for seriously thinking Hillary was a feminist. (PROSE: Head of State)

During the Miracle Day crisis of 2011, Colin Maloney told Vera Juarez that the San Pedro Overflow Camp had a line for a potential visit from "Hilary"; Maloney clarified that he meant Hilary Duff rather than Clinton. (TV: The Categories of Life)

In 2600, President Hillary Clinton was one of several synthespians of historical figures that Bernice Summerfield had to choose from for a docudrama about her life. Clinton was a slim, lithe woman with short, blonde curls, wearing a fringed leather outfit. (PROSE: Digging up the Past)

Behind the scenes[]

Digging up the Past, published in 2000 during the Presidency of Hillary Clinton's husband Bill Clinton, predicted that Hillary Clinton would become President in the near future. While Clinton ran for President in 2008 and 2016, she lost both times, first in the primary to Barack Obama, then in the national election to Donald Trump. Bernice Summerfield notably questions the quality of the historical research when the synthespian of Margaret Thatcher is portrayed as seductive, opening a possible explanation for this discrepancy.
