Hill was a human from Earth who briefly travelled with the First Doctor.
Hill, along with Chertzog, Shelly, and Harroll Strong and his two children were part of an exploratory mission by the Council of Earth and Mars to the planet Corbo when they were captured by Ulla, who thought they were Lohk's spies. The First Doctor met the children and helped free the four men from Ulla, before hastily ushering the six of them into his TARDIS to take them home to Earth. (PROSE: The Playthings of Fo)
Instead of them arriving on Earth, they landed on Rhoos and Hill became a temporary companion of the First Doctor. After exploring the planet and liberating its denizens from the clutches of the Cyclops Fo, the Doctor once again set about trying to take them all to Earth. (PROSE: The Playthings of Fo)
He was taller than Chertzog and had grey hair. (PROSE: The Playthings of Fo)
Behind the scenes[]
Though a member of the Earth-Mars mission to Corbo, Hill is not actually introduced or mentioned until The Playthings of Fo. Although that story had illustrated three other men alongside Harroll Strong, who are probably Hill, Chertzog and Shelly.