The Hendecahedron was an eleven-sided power source created as part of a collaboration between Allis and Ballis and Zelopan.
Iris Wildthyme, Tom and Panda attended the unveiling of the Hendecahedron, Due to the temporal residue on Iris and her companions, the Hendecahedron became unstable. Iris shut down the Hendecahedron, but during the process was hit by a bolt which pinched her timeline. She split into two Irises: one that aged backwards and regressed through Iris' past selves and one that aged forwards and turned into several possible future incarnations. During this confusion, Zelopan tried to steal Iris' bus by impersonating the sixth Iris. The two Irises stopped Zelopan from tricking Tom and Panda and unpinched their timeline by holding hands. (PROSE: The Golden Hendecahedron)