George W. Bush was the President of the United States in the 2000s.
Due to intervention from Wartime powers in the 2000 United States presidential election, the continuum was put in a multi-valued state for several months; in the end, the effects of the interference mostly cancelled each other out, but the wrong candidate won. (PROSE: Head of State [+]Andrew Hickey, Faction Paradox novels (Obverse Books, 2015).)
During the Canisian invasion, when Tannis contacted the White House, the President "welcome[d him] to Earth in a spirit of peace and friendship," but after Tannis demanded his surrender, he opted to try to stall for time. He and the Prime Minister ordered the missile defense systems activated in response to Tannis's threat to destroy London. (WC: Death Comes to Time [+]Colin Meek, BBCi animations (BBCi, 2001-2002).)
Panda's nose was left scratched when George Bush ran over him on a bicycle. (AUDIO: Iris Wildthyme and the Claws of Santa [+]Cavan Scott and Mark Wright, Iris Wildthyme (Big Finish Productions, 2009).) Iris Wildthyme and Panda encountered a robot of President Bush that looked confused while other robot presidents were brutally violent. (PROSE: Why? Because We Like You [+]Jonathan Dennis, Iris Wildthyme and the Celestial Omnibus (Iris Wildthyme, Obverse Books, 2009).)
George Cooper thought Bush had green hair, but Lauren Anderson knew it was grey. (PROSE: Cyberon [+]James Hornby, Cyberon (Arcbeatle Press, 2020).)
Behind the scenes[]
- In the real world, George W. Bush is the son of President George H. W. Bush, and while he was elected in 2000, he was inaugurated as President in 2001.
- Jon Culshaw previously did impressions of Bush in the contemporary sketch show Dead Ringers.
- Jonathan Dennis' unofficial short story Hanging Chads depicted the meddling of Faction Paradox agents in the 2000 election. This was later referenced in Head of State.