Galactic law was the system of law, parallel to international law on Earth, upheld by many interstellar governments in Mutter's Spiral. It was enforced by several species, including the Judoon, the Atraxi, and the Megara. (TV: Smith and Jones, The Eleventh Hour, The Stones of Blood) The Galactic Alliance were keen upholders of galactic law. (TV: From Raxacoricofallapatorius with Love)
The Galactic Charter was an important document of galactic law. (TV: The Stones of Blood)
A Time Lord observed that the War Lords used "brutal" methods of mental processing "which entirely contravened all the galactic laws". (TV: The War Games)
Specific laws[]
Brutal methods of mental processing contravened all galactic laws. (TV: The War Games)
According to the Shadow Proclamation (TV: Prisoner of the Judoon) and galactic law, the Judoon had no jurisdiction over the planet Earth in the 2000s. (TV: Smith and the Jones) They had in fact been banned from the planet due to the Balmoral Incident a hundred years prior. (WC: Monster File: Judoon) As such, they used a H₂O scoop to transport the Royal Hope Hospital from Earth to the neutral territory of the Moon in order to intercept a Plasmavore charged with the murder of the Child Princess of Padrivole Regency 9. (TV: Smith and Jones)
Galactic bylaw 19b dictated that dogs must be kept on leads. (TV: From Raxacoricofallapatorius with Love)
Article XII of the Galactic Code banned golems. (AUDIO: The Beast of Orlok)
Galactic Law said that first claim of mining rights on any given planet would always go to the planet's native population. (AUDIO: The Prisoner's Dilemma)
In 2382, Galactic Law stated that any mining operations on consecrated planets, moons and asteroids was illegal. (PROSE: Fear of the Dark)
Using a starship to make a star jump on an inhabited planet violated both galactic law and universal law. (COMIC: Doctor Who and the Star Beast)
During the 57th Segment of Time, the Commander of the Ark was authorised by galactic law to sentence a prisoner whose actions were deemed as having endangered the Ark's human and Monoid populations to miniaturisation in suspended animation lasting 700 years. The only other alternative punishment was the "full penalty", expulsion. (TV: The Ark)
Laws pertaining to Level 5 planets[]
Galactic law said that developing worlds classed as Level 5 planets (such as Earth in the 21st century and earlier) could not be approached for legal matters. They had no jurisdiction over the planet, and methods such as an H₂O scoop must be used to transport any places required to be visited to neutral territory, such as the Moon. (TV: Smith and Jones)
Seeding life on a Level 5 planet was against galactic law. (TV: Partners in Crime)
Destruction of a Level 5 planet was illegal unless the planet had committed a crime against another planet or race; which had to be done by consesus as a species, not separate nationalities. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)
In 2009, the Tenth Doctor observed that the breeding of Adipose from unwitting humans on the Level 5 planet Earth, conducted by Matron Cofelia on behalf of the Adiposian First Family, was against galactic law. The Adipose, realising that they were committing a crime, left Cofelia, as their accomplice, to fall to her death while they collected their young via tractor beam to their nursery ship, which promptly left the planet. (TV: Partners in Crime)
During the 57th Segment of Time, the Ark and its residents abided by galactic law. (TV: The Ark)