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Fortune teller

A fortune teller was an individual who used seemingly occult means to predict information about a person's life.

Vanessa Moretti posed as a fortune teller when she became stranded in Rome in 120. (PROSE: The Stone Rose [+]Jacqueline Rayner, BBC New Series Adventures (BBC Books, 2006).)

When Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson was nine years old, her mother took her to a fortune teller, who supposedly told her that she would one day become the mistress of a king. (PROSE: A History of Humankind [+]Official Guides (BBC Children's Books, 2016).)

Roz Forrester posed as a fortune teller when she became stranded in New York in 1799. (PROSE: Christmas on a Rational Planet [+]Lawrence Miles, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1996).)

Judah was a fortune teller residing in Orlok in 1827. (AUDIO: The Beast of Orlok [+]Barnaby Edwards, Eighth Doctor Adventures (Big Finish Productions, 2009).)

Jack Harkness consulted a psychic fortune teller at least twice. (TV: Fragments [+]Chris Chibnall, Torchwood series 2 (BBC Three, 2008)., Dead Man Walking [+]Matt Jones, Torchwood series 2 (BBC Three, 2008).) She gave Object 1 to Alex Hopkins. (AUDIO: The Torchwood Archive [+]James Goss, Torchwood - Special Releases (Big Finish Productions, 2016).)

Violet was a fortune teller residing in London in the early 20th century. (AUDIO: Starborn [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

A fortune teller working at a 1920s fairground used an Ovid sphere as her crystal ball. (AUDIO: Smoke and Mirrors [+]Steve Lyons, Destiny of the Doctor (Big Finish Productions, 2013).)

Madam Ledanois was a fortune teller residing in New Orleans in 1932. (PROSE: Mardi Gras Massacre [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

Li Chen Mei was a fortune teller residing in Sydney in 1942. (PROSE: Hymn of the City [+]Sarah Groenewegen, Short Trips: The Muses (Short Trips, 2003).)

In 1952, ten-year-old Polly Wright attended a fair where she visited a gypsy fortune teller, who warned her of a tall, dark stranger. (PROSE: Invasion of the Cat-People [+]Gary Russell, Virgin Missing Adventures (Virgin Books, 1995).)

Ian Chesterton encountered two fortune tellers, Rosy Parks of Dorset and Rosemary of London, prior to his journeys through time and space. (PROSE: The Splintered Gate [+]Justin Richards, Short Trips: Companions (Short Trips, 2003).)

On Zebadee, the Second Doctor consulted Madam Rosa, a fortune teller who warned him that he would soon encounter deadly robots. (COMIC: Invasion of the Quarks [+]Roger Noel Cook, TVC comic stories (1968).)

On Manussa, Tegan Jovanka encountered a fortune teller who admitted to her that she was a fraud. (TV: Snakedance [+]Christopher Bailey, Doctor Who season 20 (BBC1, 1983).)

Morgana was the fortune teller of the Psychic Circus. (TV: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy [+]Stephen Wyatt, Doctor Who season 25 (BBC1, 1988-1989).)

On Shan Shen, Donna Noble encountered a fortune teller who was a member of the Trickster's Brigade. (TV: Turn Left [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 4 (BBC One, 2008).)

On Legion, Bernice Summerfield encountered a fortune teller who offered to read her hand for thirty-five credits. (AUDIO: The Brimstone Kid [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)
