According to the First Doctor, flavours were like primary colours in that two of them could be blended to "achieve a third, a fourth, etc, etc." (TV: The Daleks)
Vicki Pallister gave Barbara Wright a guava-flavoured bar from the TARDIS food machine. (TV: The Chase)
In Pete's World, Vitex Lite came in cherry flavour. (TV: The Age of Steel) Henrik's Surprise was a flavour of ice cream. (GAME: Cybus Spy)
Rose Tyler compared zaffic to a Slush Puppie with a "sort of beef" flavour. (TV: The Long Game)
Lance Bennett claimed that Donna Noble thought the height of excitement was "a new flavour Pringle". (TV: The Runaway Bride)
Behind the scenes[]
Information from invalid sources[]
The box of a pizza which Yasmin Khan ate with two of her friends was marked as having "tasty flavour". (NOTVALID: The Universe is Calling)