The first Doctor Who comics to be printed were those featured in TV Comic. Consistently labeled as little more than the series' title for the entire run, all but one of the original First Doctor stories were given titles much later by comic strip and Who historians. The original comics introduced the characters of the Doctor's grandchildren, John and Gillian, who served as the strip's replacements to Susan Foreman. The strip introduced them as having lived on 20th centuryEarth before meeting their grandfather, but never expounded on their origins before the comic, nor their relation to Susan. Because of this, stories exploring the Doctor's family or history on Gallifrey have almost consistently "forgotten" about John and Gillian, and the lack of an acceptable "gap" for these stories to take place has often confounded fans interested in the timeline of the Doctor's life (an issue that would continue on through the Fourth and Fifth Doctor's comic adventures). Despite this, John and Gillian's adventures have not gone totally ignored by other stories, being briefly mentioned in such things as the BBC Audio story A Sting in the Tale and the Short Trips story The Man Who (Nearly) Killed Christmas.
The First Doctor also appeared in a series of Give-a-Show Projector stories in 1965, which featured the only comics to date of him battling the Daleks. He would later be featured in Doctor Who Magazine adventures both in their main series and in specials.
Many of the early comic strip stories did not have individual story titles so there is no "correct" title for many of the strips. Commentary and listings from older sources may use variant titles.
The titles used below are firstly taken from the strip itself or from titles given by the preceding issue. In some cases the writer/artist has been able to provide a title for a given piece of work.
The listing below shows first publication details only. Reprint details can be found by following the story links.