The Financial Times was a newspaper. In 1968, while looking for gold with which to repair the Doctor's TARDIS, Jamie McCrimmon read in the Financial Times that gold was about thirty-seven American Dollars an ounce. (PROSE: The Nameless City [+]Michael Scott, Puffin eshort (Puffin Books, 2013).)
Trix MacMillan left future copies of the Financial Times behind on Earth for Anji Kapoor to help her plan ahead in the business world. (PROSE: The Deadstone Memorial [+]Trevor Baxendale, BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2004)., The Gallifrey Chronicles [+]Lance Parkin, BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2005).)
The Financial Times was one of the newspapers on Paul's delivery route. (PROSE: The Sooner the Better [+]Ian Farrington, A Day in the Life (Short Trips, Big Finish Productions, 2005).)