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Eggs were organic vessels that allowed infant creatures to develop inside them. They were also eaten as food, commonly on Earth.

They were an ingredient in lasagna. (PROSE: Stop, Thief!)

According to Martha Jones, the air of Belepheron smelled like bad eggs. (PROSE: The Last Dodo)

Brian Williams suggested, among other theories, that the millions of Shakri cubes that suddenly appeared on Earth were alien eggs. (TV: The Power of Three)

The eggs on Metebelis III were blue. (AUDIO: The Man Who Wasn't There)

Three birds' egg were part of the symbolic price for the loom used to make the first babels. (PROSE: The Book of the War)

Egg-laying species[]

Rigellan Hyper-Kraken's eggs (Space Invaders!)

Rigellan Hyper-Kraken eggs. (COMIC: Space Invaders!)

A wide variety of creatures laid eggs. Some specific species included Arcturians, (PROSE: Only a Matter of Time) Aubertides, (PROSE: Human Nature) Bane, (TV: The Lost Boy) Centuripede, (TV: The Last Oak Tree) Chelonians, (PROSE: The Highest Science) Chickens, (TV: City of Death) Chimeron, (TV: Delta and the Bannermen) Draconians, (AUDIO: Paper Cuts) Gappa, (PROSE: Snowglobe 7) Gastropods, (TV: The Twin Dilemma) Ice Warriors, (PROSE: Lucifer Rising) Krill, (PROSE: Storm Harvest) Kiseibya, (AUDIO: Enemy of the Daleks) Mayflies, (TV: Reset) Nostrovites, (TV: Something Borrowed) Raxacoricofallapatorians, (TV: Boom Town) the Process, (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible) Saraani, (PROSE: Dry Pilgrimage) Saurians, (PROSE: Lords of the Galaxy) Sea Devils, (WC: Defenders of Earth) Silurians, (TV: SJAF 6, PROSE: Doctor Who and the Cave-Monsters) Viperox, (TV: Dreamland) Astro-raptors (COMIC: The Egg Hunt) and Wirrn. (TV: The Ark in Space)

Food source[]

Eggs were prepared and eaten as food. On Earth, chicken eggs were eaten commonly, (PROSE: The Death of Me, The Man from DOCTOR(R)) which contained yolks. (PROSE: The Death of Me) Eggs could be prepared a number of ways: boiled, (PROSE: The Death of Me, Bide-a-Wee) poached, (PROSE: Policy to Invade, Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast) as an omelette, (TV: The Lodger, PROSE: Dead of Winter) pickled, (PROSE: The Cutty Wren) fried, (PROSE: Tragedy Day, Cat's Cradle: Warhead, Dear Great Uncle Peter) scrambled, (TV: The Nightmare Man, AUDIO: Project: Lazarus) and "eggy bread". (PROSE: Hospitality)

Eggs Atlantic included two muffins, two poached eggs, and Atlantic salmon, topped with a creamy hollandaise sauce. (PROSE: Policy to Invade) Another such dish was eggs benedict. (PROSE: The Dead Men Diaries)

Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright ate some food blocks that had been processed by the First Doctor's food machine to taste like bacon and eggs. (TV: The Daleks)

Barbara ate some food blocks processed to taste like bacon and eggs, this time with brown sauce added. (AUDIO: 1963)

Whilst in Northumbria in 1066, the First Monk offered his prisoner, the First Doctor some toast, bacon, eggs, and tea for breakfast. (TV: The Time Meddler)

Upon taking Rose Tyler to see the Earth's destruction in the year five billion, the Ninth Doctor jokingly mentioned eggs as one of the things humanity thought would cause their extinction. (TV: The End of the World)

Walker ordered a breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, coffee, and rough-cut marmalade. (TV: The Sea Devils)

While trapped in a room in the Dalek Asylum for almost a whole year, Oswin Oswald claimed she was making soufflés. The Eleventh Doctor wondered where she got the eggs needed for baking on multiple occasions. It turned out that Oswin was a Dalek who had created a reality in her mind in which she was still human and cooked soufflés. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks)

The people in the Gallifreyan village of Slothe raided trunkike nests for their eggs. (PROSE: Blind Fury)
