Felix Mather was an astronaut in the 1980s who later became the President of the United States.
Felix met the Eighth Doctor when the Doctor was hijacking the space shuttle Atlantis to save his daughter, Miranda Dawkins. (PROSE: Father Time)
Mather was Secretary of State during the Canisian invasion. He was Vice President when the IFEC Accord was signed.
The Doctor met Mather after his election to the position of President while investigating phony time traveller Baskerville. At this point Mather was the only politician that lifelong spy Jonah Cosgrove really trusted, despite his pro-British stance. Despite this, Mather worked with the Doctor in thwarting Baskerville's prophecies. President Mather served sometime around the 2010s, (PROSE: Trading Futures) during the exact same dates when Barack Obama would have held the office in a later version of history. (HOMEVID: Ex-President) At the time, the US and Eurozone were rival blocs, and sent competing peacekeeping forces to North Africa. (PROSE: Trading Futures)
By May 2021, however, history had been rewritten so that the President in the early 2010s had been Barack Obama. However, some of the population still remembered Mather instead. The Preternatural Research Bureau investigated these mysterious occurrences and tracked down Mather, now living in obscurity as everyone who met him felt that he was somehow not quite real. They discovered that Mather's role in history had been overwritten by Faction Paradox in retaliation when he refused to make a deal with them while in office. (HOMEVID: Ex-President)
Behind the scenes[]
The Canisian invasion is a nod to Death Comes to Time, which was later implied to be an alternate timeline by AUDIO: Zagreus.