Article needs to adhere more closely to just what is in DWU. Topic is valid, though, since the Ninth Doctor says "Would you mind not farting while I'm trying to save the world?"
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Farting, also known as flatulence (PROSE: GodEngine) or "blowing off", was a bodily process of gas expulsion that affected some species.
According to Luke Smith, it was a "normal process of the human bowel." (TV: Revenge of the Slitheen) Ingestion of food such as cabbage (TV: Revenge of the Slitheen) and baked beans (TV: The Bounty Hunter) could induce a fart, as could feelings such as stress (AUDIO: Sync) and excitement. (AUDIO: Madquake) Holding in a fart could create discomfort; indeed, some Slitheen were heard to express relieved groans after letting off a fart. (TV: Aliens of London, AUDIO: Madquake)
While farts were an inconvenience for many species, some species found a function for their flatulence. Grunts for instance communicated through a succession of bleats, snorts and ground-shaking flatulence. (PROSE: The Tomorrow Windows)
Farting was often frowned upon by humans, due to its foul smell and loud noise. Many humans, however, thought farting humorous. (TV: Revenge of the Slitheen) Sayings associated with farting included "[they] who smelt it dealt it", "[they] who said the rhyme committed the crime" and "[they] who said the verse made the atmosphere worse." (TV: From Raxacoricofallapatorius with Love) Humans also gave the nickname silent but deadly to a fart which was inaudible but still very malodourous. (TV: Revenge of the Slitheen)
Among the Raxacoricofallapatorian species[]
When members of the Slitheen family used compression fields to fit themselves into human skin suits, it caused a condition called "gas exchange" which was similar to farting but with a smell like bad breath. This was due to calcium decay as Raxacoricofallapatorians were a calcium-based species. (TV: Aliens of London / World War Three) A gas exchange unit was a piece of technology worn by Slitheen. (AUDIO: Madquake) They eventually solved this problem, as well as becoming able to fit into slimmer skin suits. (TV: The Lost Boy)
When Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen, in the form of Margaret Blaine, took Cathy Salt to the toilets to kill her, she noted her "little tummy" was "complaining" when she farted loudly. Soon after, when she farted after entering the toilet, Cathy remarked, "Sounds like we got here just in time.". (TV: Boom Town)
A Slitheen disguised as Ambassador Rahnius, who arrived in Sarah Jane Smith's attic to apparently reward her and friends, was exposed by his uncontrollable farting, despite blaming it on his chair. (TV: From Raxacoricofallapatorius with Love)
The naked Leef Apple Glyn Slitheen-Blathereen farted while eating Shepherd's pie cooked by Clyde Langer. Later on, Sarah Jane had Mr Smith replicate the sound of an alarm bell to destroy the Rakweed in Leef and Tree's stomachs, causing a massive methane gas build-up which killed them both, exploding and covering Sarah Jane's attic with their remains. Clyde Langer noted that they had "farted themselves to death." (TV: The Gift)
The naked Bella Slitheen let off an exceptionally long and loud fart without her gas exchange unit, which she attributed to being "really really" excited at the prospect of a human hunt. (AUDIO: Madquake)
Amongst the UNIT files affected by the Redaction in 2022, Shawna Thompson found a medical report which just said the sentence "gas exchange causes them to fart uncontrollably", to which Cleo Proctor quipped "well that's one for the dating profile." (AUDIO: Recruits [+]Ken Cheng, Redacted (BBC Sounds, 2022).)
Other instances[]
According to Rose Tyler, cows farting methane into the atmosphere was one of the causes of global warming on Earth. (AUDIO: The Flood)
During World War I, "Big" Wullie Cairns of Dundee was recognised by his British Army soldiers for his flatulence. One time he farted, which Harry mistook for cannon fire, causing him to dive under his bunk; the smell made him thankful for his gas mask. Writing to his sister Jeanie, Jamie Colquhoun observed that Willie's flatulence would have been their greatest weapon had he been pointed in the right direction. (COMIC: The Weeping Angels of Mons)
Farting was still possible after death, as the living dead man Owen Harper discovered shortly after being brought back to life by the resurrection gauntlet. He mourned in advance his last fart, saying that, along with sex, he'd miss it. (TV: Dead Man Walking)
The governor of Justicia's obesity and flatulence led Rose Tyler to believe he was a member of the Slitheen family in disguise. She attacked him, but soon discovered he was just a large human. Later, Lazlee Flowers inadvertently revealed her presence to Ermenshrew Blathereen when she farted. (PROSE: The Monsters Inside)
When Victor Kennedy absorbed Bliss , her face ended up on his right buttock. When Elton Pope asked where she was, Kennedy lifted himself up, farting as bliss told him he didn't want to know. (TV: Love & Monsters)
The living Mona Lisa painting claimed that her model "farted like a donkey." The animated painting also asserted that her so-called enigmatic smile was due to her model experiencing wind during the portrait sittings. (TV: Mona Lisa's Revenge)
The Vykoids disguised their ship as a mammoth which, as encountered by Amy Pond and the Eleventh Doctor, was notorious for its farting. (PROSE: The Forgotten Army)
Danny Bartock while waiting in the air vents of Sanctuary Base 6 farted under the stress of being hunted by possessed ood. Rose sniffed the air and asked if that was him to which he replied he wasn't exactly happy. (TV: The Satan Pit)
Clyde Langer farted while facing off against a Slitheen disgused as Ambassador Rahnius. (TV: From Raxacoricofallapitorius With Love)
Sam Swift the Quick once quipped that the Twelfth Doctor was so old, he "farts dust". (TV: The Woman Who Lived)
Other references[]
Clyde Langer commented to Maria Jackson that the claim of what were apparently Luke Smith's real parents "[stank] like a Christmas dinner fart". (TV: The Lost Boy) Among the jokes he told in order to use laughter to defeat the Pied Piper was "What's invisible and smells like carrots? Rabbit farts." (TV: The Day of the Clown) Clyde later commented that an old shed next to Ashen Hill Manor smelt like "cucumber farts". (TV: The Eternity Trap)
In its original form, the name Rakath sounded like "a fart in a maraca factory." The creator-god watched over every world "from sparrow-fart to sunset." The Book of the Chosen contained reference to "certain gaseous eructations of an indigestive and flatulent nature." The air in Solan's chamber stank of sweat and vaguely diseased flatulence. Nathan li Shao could not have given "a fart and a half" about the Eyes of the Schirron. (PROSE: Sky Pirates!)
Tsuro called attention to what was "perhaps the flatulence of a passing elephant." (PROSE: The Also People)
One type of anaesthetic smelt like somebody a very bad attack of flatulence. (PROSE: GodEngine)
Debord forbade references to flatulence in his play. (PROSE: The Man in the Velvet Mask)
Behind the scenes[]
Several stock farting noises are played constantly alongside quotes by Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen in the web-based game Slitheen Surfer. In Monster Match, a fart sounds when the player matches the Slitheen.
John Barrowman and David Tennant used to hold fart contests much to the annoyance and disgust of Freema Agyeman.
In Kate Gordon's 2017 novel Twenty-five Memories of Viggo MacDuff, Jed moans to Connie Chase that the Beezus-juice "smells like the fart of an Abzorbaloff", a reference to the scene from Love & Monsters in which the Abzorbaloff farts on Bliss' face.
In the Doctor Who Farted sketch from Family Guy, the Tenth Doctor broke wind in his TARDIS.