Fallen worlds where planets of the early Spiral Politic which were wholly taken over by the Yssgaroth during their war with the Great Houses. According to the Houses' records, they were reduced to "laboratories of cruelty" where the Yssgaroth "tore away the bodies of the inhabitants until only the nervous system remained, alive and in agony".
As no traces of such atrocities remained in the subsequent version of history, it was commonly speculated that these worlds' existence were retro-annulled as an act of mercy by the Houses when they won the War, for all that such actions would later be made illegal in their culture. (PROSE: The Book of the War) Some accounts claimed instead that the depiction of the Great Vampires as wanton monsters was mere propaganda and the Vampires actually had a much more sympathetic agenda than arbitrary sadism, suggesting no such worlds may have ever existed in the first place. (AUDIO: Zagreus)