Entirely Possible was a comic series written and illustrated by Blair Bidmead. It focused on the character of Theo Possible, who had debuted in Bidmead's story Party Kill Accelerator! published in the 2009 Iris Wildthyme anthology The Panda Book of Horror and later appeared in Bidmead's stories for the The Periodic Adventures of SeƱor 105 and The City of the Saved series.
The comic's first two stories were serialised on the Theo Possible blog in 2013 and 2014; the third chapter was ultimately unproduced.[1]
On 31 December 2022, Blair Bidmead stated on Twitter that he planned to "rejig" the webcomic as a paperbook/ebook to crowdfund in the new year, adding that "Theo & Queenie will return!".[2]
Title | Creator | Featuring | Release date |
The Train in Vain and the Junkmail Messiah | Blair Bidmead | Theo Possible, Queenie Tilbury | 2013 |
Queenie Tilbury's Guide to Smithereen City | 2014 |
- After the Theo Possible blog was taken down from Blogspot, The Train in Vain and the Junkmail Messiah was reposted on the Theo Possible Tumblr in May 2015.
- ā Battlefield By the Meadow: Possibilities
- ā @blairbidmead on Twitter via the Wayback Machine