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Elizabeth II Appearances Talk

Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II was made the sovereign Queen of the United Kingdom in 1952. She succeeded her father George VI.

Although most accounts indicated she was human, (TV: The Christmas Invasion [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Christmas special (BBC One, 2005)., etc.) one dissenting account suggested she was secretly a shapeshifting lizard of some kind. (COMIC: Where's the Doctor? [+]Doctor Who The Official Annual 2019 (Doctor Who annual, BBC Children's Books, 2018).) It was also said that Queen Elizabeth was part Lupine Wavelength Haemovariform, due to being a descendant of Queen Victoria. (TV: Tooth and Claw [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 2 (BBC One, 2006).)


20th century[]

Elizabeth was born on 21 April 1926. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary [+]Chris Farnell, BBC Children's Books (2020).) She ascended to the throne following the death of her father, George VI, on 6 February 1952. (PROSE: A History of Humankind [+]Official Guides (BBC Children's Books, 2016).) As Rani Chandra explained, in the same way Gavin was the son and the heir to his father, Prince Charles was the son and the heir to the Queen. (TV: The Empty Planet [+]Gareth Roberts, The Sarah Jane Adventures series 4 (CBBC, 2010).)

When Queen Elizabeth was crowned on 2 June 1953, (COMIC: Where's the Doctor? [+]Doctor Who The Official Annual 2019 (Doctor Who annual, BBC Children's Books, 2018).) it gathered a huge crowd, and families across Great Britain watched the event on their new televisions. The Wire attempted to take the energy from the millions of humans watching the coronation. However, the Tenth Doctor foiled the Wire's plans. (TV: The Idiot's Lantern [+]Mark Gatiss, Doctor Who series 2 (BBC One, 2006).)

At the same time, Eva De Ville was sent to assassinate the Thirteenth Doctor, so she travelled to the coronation where she encountered many previous incarnations of the Doctor all there at the same time, including the First Doctor with Susan Foreman, the Second Doctor with Jamie McCrimmon, the Third Doctor with Jo Grant, the Fourth Doctor with Sarah Jane Smith, the Fifth Doctor with Tegan Jovanka, the Sixth Doctor with Peri Brown, the Seventh Doctor with Ace, the Eighth Doctor by himself, the Ninth Doctor with Rose Tyler, a later Tenth Doctor with Noble, the Eleventh Doctor with Amy Pond, the Twelfth Doctor with Bill Potts and the Thirteenth Doctor with Graham O'Brien, Ryan Sinclair and Yasmin Khan. Each of the Doctors were combatting an alien threat, so Eva sorted them all out so that she could get the bounty. Eva then attempted to teleport the Thirteenth Doctor to the future but instead took the giant lizard version of Elizabeth II, so the Doctor followed them.

After Eva De Ville teleported Elizabeth to her personal future, the CEO was displeased with her inability to kill the Thirteenth Doctor. However, when the TARDIS arrived, it accidentally squashed the CEO. Colby revealed he was the Chairman and the mastermind behind the hit on the Doctor, but before he could kill her, Elizabeth swallowed him. The Thirteenth Doctor revealed the lizard was indeed Elizabeth II, or as she called her, "Liz". (COMIC: Where's the Doctor? [+]Doctor Who The Official Annual 2019 (Doctor Who annual, BBC Children's Books, 2018).)

While his granddaughter Susan Campbell and great-grandson Alex Campbell were celebrating Christmas in the TARDIS with him and Lucie Miller, the Eighth Doctor wanted to watch the Queen's 1953 Christmas speech using the Time-Space Visualiser as 1953 was a "great year." (AUDIO: Relative Dimensions [+]Marc Platt, Eighth Doctor Adventures (Big Finish Productions, 2010).)

On 5 April 1973, Her Majesty invited the Fourth Doctor to dine at Buckingham Palace. The Doctor reacted by running off in his TARDIS with Harry Sullivan and Sarah Jane Smith. (TV: Robot [+]Terrance Dicks, Doctor Who season 12 (BBC1, 1974-1975).)

In 1977, students at Brendon Public School (as well as the rest of Great Britain), where Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart taught mathematics, celebrated the silver anniversary of Elizabeth II's Coronation. (TV: Mawdryn Undead [+]Peter Grimwade, Doctor Who season 20 (BBC1, 1983).) During the event, she was targeted in a plot by the Zork-Morkavi-Rokosh to displace her from time, which would have involved bringing her older self back from 2022 to create a temperal paradox. The plan was inadvertently foiled by a time travelling Lucy Wilson with the help of UNIT. (PROSE: The Platinum Sceptre [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

The Queen was not in residence in Windsor Castle when the Luron mothership, which was more than a mile across, hovered above it in 1979. (AUDIO: The Valley of Death [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

In 1988, her path almost crossed that of the Seventh Doctor (who almost but not quite recognised her) at Windsor Castle as she walked her pet corgis about the grounds. (TV: Silver Nemesis [+]Kevin Clarke, Doctor Who season 25 (BBC1 and TVNZ, 1988).)

Queen Elizabeth was briefly deposed by the Ice Lord Xznaal in May 1997, but was later restored to the throne and her Re-Coronation was held on 23 November. (PROSE: The Dying Days [+]Lance Parkin, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1997).)

Elizabeth II was concurrently the Queen of Australia, a situation with which not all Australians were satisfied. The Fourth and Fifth Doctor's companion Tegan Jovanka, who described herself as "downright Bolshie", favoured her country's transition from a constitutional monarchy to a republic. (AUDIO: The Children of Seth [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

In 1999, Elizabeth expressed her displeasure with UNIT being in charge of security at St James's Palace for the Unified Nations Security Council, wanting Colonel Birch to remain in charge. (AUDIO: The Last Line of Defence [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

21st century[]

In 2001, Dr. Who, a fictional duplicate of the Doctor, tried several times to assassinate her, convinced she was the leader of an oppressive regime. During an appearance in Sheffield he succeeded, but the self-doubts of his accomplice Jason, coupled with his own essentially fictional nature, meant that the Queen survived. (PROSE: Head Games [+]Steve Lyons, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1995).)

On Christmas Day of 2006, the blood control powers of the Sycorax (operating out of a ship hovering over London) threatened to make Elizabeth II, as well as the rest of the British Royal Family jump off a roof and kill herself. As a result, her Christmas speech was not broadcast, replaced by a message from Prime Minister Harriet Jones, who announced the royal family's status while appealing to the Doctor for help. As she spoke, a framed photograph of the Queen was placed on her desk. (TV: The Christmas Invasion [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Christmas special (BBC One, 2005).)

In 2007, she celebrated her 55th Jubilee. (AUDIO: Wednesdays For Beginners [+]James Goss, The Lives of Captain Jack (The Lives of Captain Jack, Big Finish Productions, 2017).)


Elizabeth II waves to the Tenth Doctor after he successfully prevented the Titanic falling upon Buckingham Palace. (TV: Voyage of the Damned)

Due to the Sycorax and "Christmas Star" incidents occurring on consecutive Christmases in London, most of the city's residents fled on a later Christmas.[nb 1] The Queen, however, staunchly decided to remain in Buckingham Palace. On Christmas Day, the alien replica of the Titanic almost crashed into Buckingham Palace; the Tenth Doctor contacted the Palace and uttered a pre-arranged code number that resulted in the immediate evacuation of the Queen and her staff. However, at the last moment he was able to pull the ship up above the palace. The Queen thanked the Doctor by name and wished him a happy Christmas. (TV: Voyage of the Damned [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2007 (BBC One, 2007).)

In Easter in approximately the 2000s,[nb 2] the Tenth Doctor left his TARDIS in Buckingham Palace gardens, telling Captain Erisa Magambo that the Queen did not mind. (TV: Planet of the Dead [+]Russell T Davies and Gareth Roberts, Doctor Who Easter Special 2009 (BBC One, 2009).)

During her reign, she would make yearly televised speeches on Christmas. On one Christmas in approximately the 2000s,[nb 3] the Woman interrupted the Queen's Christmas speech for Wilfred Mott, warning him of what was to come. Her speech immediately continued, no one else having seen the Woman take over. (TV: The End of Time [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2009 and New Year Special 2010 (BBC One, 2009-2010).)

At one point Tanya Adeola's aunt met the Queen at a Buckingham Palace garden party and invited her to Zumba. (PROSE: The Stone House [+]A.K. Benedict, BBC Class novels (2016).)

In 2010, the Queen knighted George Woods for his work on the development of radar in the 1950s and 60s. (TV: Lost in Time [+]Rupert Laight, The Sarah Jane Adventures series 4 (CBBC, 2010).)

According to one source, she left the throne before Christmas 2010. (PROSE: Mad Dogs and Englishmen [+]Paul Magrs, BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2002).) According to another source, Elizabeth II was still the Queen in 2015. She visited the army barracks and was photographed in front of a red-top in a pastel blue skirt suit. The story of her visit was reported on the front page of a newspaper viewed by Helena and Erimem. (PROSE: The Last Pharaoh [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

In 2020, Elizabeth was kidnapped by Sorb and Sarg and stored on their ship. Lucy Wilson and Hobo Kostinen later freed her along with the rest of the human race. (PROSE: The Edge of Glory [+]Alan Stott, The Lucy Wilson Mysteries short stories (Candy Jar Books, 2020).)

Elizabeth celebrated her platinum Jubilee on 2 June, 2022. Lucy Wilson was in London with Conall and Dean Lethbridge-Stewart for the celebration, which occurred just a few days after Lucy foiled the Zork-Morkavi-Rokosh's plot to displace the Queen from time. During the procession, Lucy was certain that Elizabeth had winked at her from her car, leading her to wonder if she remembered her from all those years ago. (PROSE: The Platinum Sceptre [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)


The Seventh Doctor once suggested that the royal succession came to an end in the early 21st century. (PROSE: Birthright [+]Nigel Robinson, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1993).) However, according to the Tenth Doctor, the Queen was eventually succeeded by King Charles III and Queen Camilla. (PROSE: Revenge of the Judoon [+]Terrance Dicks, Quick Reads (Quick Reads, 2008).)

In 2020, the British Army already had a King's New Delta Squadron (AUDIO: Black and White [+]Matt Fitton, Main Range (Big Finish Productions, 2012).) even though the Queen was still alive. (PROSE: The Platinum Sceptre [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.) The United Kingdom was described as having a king by 24 May 2027. (AUDIO: A Death in the Family [+]Steven Hall, Main Range (Big Finish Productions, 2010).)

Alternate timelines[]

In an alternate timeline where the Common Men rose in place of the Beatles, the Fifth Doctor observed in shock as she danced the twist to the Common Men's "Oh, Won't You Please Love Me?" Entranced, she even threw her jewellery at them. (AUDIO: 1963: Fanfare for the Common Men [+]Eddie Robson, Main Range (Big Finish Productions, 2013).)

In another alternate timeline, Elizabeth II abdicated and became a private citizen in 1966. Great Britain joined the International Communist Republic of Mokoshia. (AUDIO: Red Planets [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

Other universes[]

The regime of a fascist Britain had the royal family executed at some point before 1943. (TV: Inferno [+]Don Houghton, Doctor Who season 7 (BBC1, 1970).)

In a parallel world, the starship Titanic did hit Buckingham Palace and caused a nuclear explosion. (TV: Turn Left [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 4 (BBC One, 2008).)

Minor references and mentions[]

Rose Tyler theorised that the royal family, including Elizabeth II, could have been werewolves after Queen Victoria was attacked by one. (TV: Tooth and Claw [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 2 (BBC One, 2006).)

Whilst listing some of the Doctor's past encounters with the Royal Family to the Eleventh Doctor, Liz 10 mentioned "tea and scones with Liz Two." (TV: The Beast Below [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 5 (BBC One, 2010).)

When the Tenth Doctor found that Edward VII had disappeared along with Balmoral Castle in 1902, he warned that the future of the royal family, along with the rest of history, was threatened, stating there would be no Elizabeth II or any of the rest of Edward's successors. (PROSE: Revenge of the Judoon [+]Terrance Dicks, Quick Reads (Quick Reads, 2008).)

Elizabeth II portrait

A portrait of Elizabeth II. (TV: The Christmas Invasion)

A portrait of Elizabeth II was present in the office where Harriet Jones appeared in an emergency broadcast on 25 December 2006 within which she stated that the Royal Family were on the roof. (TV: The Christmas Invasion [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Christmas special (BBC One, 2005).)

Yvonne Hartman, director of Torchwood One, once noted herself to have had tea with the Queen twice a week. (AUDIO: One Rule [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW.)

Amy, Rory, and the Eleventh Doctor once attempted to have tea with the Queen at Buckingham Palace but were not allowed entrance. The Doctor was upset because he'd brought doughnuts, stating that, "Her Majesty loves doughnuts." (PROSE: Magic of the Angels [+]Jacqueline Rayner, Quick Reads (BBC Books, 2012).)

Ram Singh was aware of her, and felt that Charlie Smith's way of speaking was similar to how she spoke. (TV: For Tonight We Might Die [+]Patrick Ness, Class television stories series 1 (BBC Three, 2016).)

Behind the scenes[]

Multiple Doctor Who stories tried to predict when Queen Elizabeth II would be succeeded by King Charles III. These included the 1990s, (TV: Battlefield [+]Ben Aaronovitch, Doctor Who season 26 (BBC1, 1989).), the 2000s, (AUDIO: The Longest Night [+]Joseph Lidster, UNIT (Big Finish Productions, 2005).) 2010, (PROSE: Mad Dogs and Englishmen [+]Paul Magrs, BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2002).) 2012, (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon [+]Paul Cornell, BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (BBC Books, 2000).) and 2020. (AUDIO: Black and White [+]Matt Fitton, Main Range (Big Finish Productions, 2012).)

In the real world, Queen Elizabeth II died on 8 September 2022 aged 96 and her eldest son Charles succeeded her as monarch.[1]

Archival footage of the Queen's coronation appeared in The Idiot's Lantern.

Portrayals on screen[]

Jennifer Saunders voiced her in Minions.

Penelope Wilton played her in the 2016 film adaptation of The BFG.

Olivia Colman and Imelda Staunton both played her, at different stages of her life, in the Netflix original television series, The Crown.

The Writer's Tale[]

According to The Writer's Tale, Russell T Davies originally planned to end Voyage of the Damned with the Titanic actually destroying part of Buckingham Palace (though the Queen escapes). Rather than cheering the Doctor from the ground, Elizabeth (in keeping with her predecessors Victoria and Elizabeth I) would have been heard cursing the Doctor. This ending was scrapped as being too negative and special effects-intensive.

Torchwood website[]

On the series 1 version of the Torchwood website, a case file outlined the fall of Torchwood One around 2007. It suggested after a massive loss in life and technology, that it was recommended to Her Majesty for "the immediate closure of Torchwood One, together with the formation of a steering committee to fully examine future options."[2]

The Doctor: His Lives and Times[]

According to The Doctor: His Lives and Times, Elizabeth II rescinded Queen Victoria's exile of the Doctor and Rose Tyler after she received a letter from Jack Harkness on 29 December 2008, detailing the Tenth Doctor's actions in saving Earth from the Titanic. She also commended Torchwood Three for its services.

As a Doctor Who fan[]

Elizabeth II reportedly enjoyed watching Doctor Who and was supplied pre-release DVD copies of the programme by the BBC.[3]

Other matters[]



  1. Although Voyage of the Damned is supposedly set the Christmas after the 2007 setting of The Runaway Bride, the Doctor Who series which aired immediately before and after Voyage give contradicting dates for when their present day is set. PROSE: The Paradox Moon places Martha Jones' present day in series 3 in June 2007. AUDIO: Recruits dates it to March 2008. A newspaper clipping in PROSE: The Secret Lives of Monsters places Smith and Jones on a Sunday 4 June, which in the real world did not fall on a Sunday in either 2007 or 2008. Donna Noble's present day in series 4 is set in 2008 according to TV: The Fires of Pompeii, TV: The Waters of Mars, and AUDIO: SOS (and is heavily implied by TV: The Star Beast and TV: The Giggle), or in approximately April to June 2009, according to PROSE: Beautiful Chaos.
  2. Both Planet of the Dead and The End of Time are referred to in dialogue as taking place after the end of Journey's End, which is set in either 2008, according to TV: The Fires of Pompeii, TV: The Waters of Mars, and AUDIO: SOS (and heavily implied by TV: The Star Beast and TV: The Giggle), or six weeks after the middle of May 2009, circa June, according to PROSE: Beautiful Chaos. However, the year of Planet of the Dead is unspecified, as is whether or not it is intended to be the Easter immediately after Journey's End.
  3. Both Planet of the Dead and The End of Time are referred to in dialogue as taking place after the end of Journey's End, which is set in either 2008, according to TV: The Fires of Pompeii, TV: The Waters of Mars, and AUDIO: SOS (and heavily implied by TV: The Star Beast and TV: The Giggle), or six weeks after the middle of May 2009, circa June, according to PROSE: Beautiful Chaos. However, the year of The End of Time is unspecified, as is whether or not it is intended to be the Christmas immediately after Journey's End.


External links[]
