Investigator Eighteen was known as one of the Celestis' most eccentric Investigators.
He was often dispatched to escort servants from the outside universe to Mictlan upon their deaths, especially if they came from worlds in Warzones or monitored by the Great Houses. Eighteen would amuse himself by putting these new servants on trial, showing them the entire Spiral Politic and forcing them to defend their right to exist to a jury of their world's most famous dead. However, the court and its jury were always just a sham created by Eighteen, and the servant would become a slave in Mictlan no matter the result. (PROSE: The Book of the War)
Later, one Investigator Eighteen was promoted to Investigator Two to keep a closer eye on One. (PROSE: The Taking of Planet 5)
Behind the scenes[]
- Eighteen's trials reference the classic British film A Matter of Life and Death, in which the supernatural escort to the dead is called "Conductor 71" and played by Marius Goring.