Echoes of Extinction was a special Big Finish Productions audio story released on download and on vinyl and released in conjunction with the Time Lord Victorious series. It was written by Alfie Shaw, and featured Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor on Side A and David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor on Side B.
Publisher's summary[]
Trapped, a haunted monster waits to consume new victims. It needs help. It needs a doctor. Unfortunately, it also needs to kill whoever it meets. Thrust into immediate danger, and on the back-foot, it will take all of the Doctor's ingenuity to triumph.
Two interlinked adventures. Two Doctors. One foe.
to be added
- The Doctor - Paul McGann
- The Doctor - David Tennant
- The Network - Burn Gorman
- Jasmine - Kathryn Drysdale
- Cooke - Arthur Darvill
- Joshi - Mina Anwar
- Edwards - Paul Clayton
- General - Stephen Critchlow
- Orrivian - Jack DeVos
- Guard - Jacob Dudman
- Orrivian - Melanie Stevens
- Frye - Inès de Clercq
- Cover Art - Lee Binding
- Director - Scott Handcock
- Executive Producer - Nicholas Briggs and Jason Haigh-Ellery
- Music - Ioan Morris
- Writer & Producer - Alfie Shaw
- Script Editor - John Dorney
- Sound Design - Peter Doggart
- Senior Producer - David Richardson
- The Eighth Doctor was aiming for opening night at the Braxiatel Collection.
- The Eighth Doctor plans to take Jasmine to the Shadow Proclamation.
- This story was recorded remotely on 30 March and 1-3, 9-10, 14, 21-22 and 26 April 2020.
- Strangely, this is the only media release in the Time Lord Victorious event that features David Tennant reprising his role, despite the event revolving around his incarnation.
- This story was originally intended to be released on 27 November 2020[1], but was delayed due to COVID-19 lockdown measures.
- The Doctors never meet at any point during the story, as the Tenth Doctor's arrival on the Ortega takes place after the Eighth Doctor escapes the space station. The Tenth Doctor does become aware of the Eighth Doctor's presence when he returns to the planet with the Tenth Justice Fleet of the Shadow Proclamation. However, the Eighth Doctor is unaware of the Tenth Doctor's involvement.
- This story was released on vinyl limited to 1000 copies.
- The Eighth Doctor is trying to visit the seven-hundred wonders of the universe. (AUDIO: He Kills Me, He Kills Me Not)
- The Eighth Doctor utters "contact" when making psychic contact with the Network. (TV: The Three Doctors)
- The Tenth Doctor mentions his fiance "Liz". (TV: The Day of the Doctor)
- The Tenth Doctor recalls the Kotturuh and how him wiping them out only made things worse. (PROSE: The Knight, The Fool and the Dead, All Flesh is Grass)
- The Tenth Doctor considers the possibility that crash landing on Karn caused him to forget that the Eighth Doctor was involved with the Network. (TV: The Night of the Doctor)
- The Tenth Doctor recalls that the Eighth Doctor is about go through the Kotturuh crisis, (AUDIO: The Enemy of My Enemy; PROSE: All Flesh is Grass) and then be thrust into the Last Great Time War, (TV: The Night of the Doctor) which will leave him alone. (TV: The End of the World)
Cover gallery[]
External links[]
- Official Echoes of Extinction page at