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You may be looking for the London Borough of Ealing.

Ealing was a district in the London Borough of Ealing. (TV: Revenge of the Slitheen) It was immediately south of Perivale, also in the borough. (TV: The Gift)


Ealing was located in west London. To the north-west of Ealing was Uxbridge, to the south-west was Heathrow and to the south-east was Richmond. Park Vale Comprehensive School was located in the district. (TV: Revenge of the Slitheen)


Edith Randall was Miss Ealing in 1951. (TV: Eye of the Gorgon)

In 1964, the Reesinger Institute was located in Ealing. (AUDIO: The Reesinger Process)

In 1990, the Seventh Doctor and Ace briefly visited Ealing Broadway. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible)

A local newspaper was the Ealing Echo. (TV: Revenge of the Slitheen)

The Doctor visited Ealing and encountered Sarah Jane Smith and her companions on at least two occasions during his tenth incarnation, (TV: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith; The End of Time) and at least once during his eleventh. (TV: Death of the Doctor) In addition to myriad aliens and terrestrial forces and more mundane guests, other visitors to Ealing included former companions Brigadier Sir Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart (TV: Enemy of the Bane) and Jo Grant. (TV: Death of the Doctor)

Throughout the late 2000s and early 2010s, there was a large amount of alien activity centred on the Ealing area. (TV: Invasion of the Bane, Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?, The Lost Boy, The Day of the Clown, The Nightmare Man, The Vault of Secrets) The amount of strange and alien occurrences around the area led to it being dubbed "The Ealing Triangle". (TV: Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith)

Behind the scenes[]

In the real world, Ealing is the home to Ealing Studios, an important filming location for many serials of the 1963 version of Doctor Who.

Dalek Invasion of Ealing 1987, one of the parodical comic stories in The Doctor Who Fun Book, dealt with just what its title implied: the real Daleks wreaking havoc in 1987 Ealing, under the guise of some BBC filming. However, due to its parodical nature, the story is not currently considered a valid source on this Wiki.
