The "caterpillars". (COMIC: The Good Soldier)
Drones were robots used in the construction of settlements and bases on new planets. Robot drones constructed Bowie Base One when it was lowered in sections from orbit. (TV: The Waters of Mars)
Robot drones were used in the Terminus station to collect the victims of Lazar's disease and to sterilise their vessels. (TV: Terminus)
Robot drones constructed buildings on the planet Messaline while the human and Hath settlers waited in their ship. When they finished construction, the settlers moved in shortly before fighting. (TV: The Doctor's Daughter)
A series of drones were modified by Davros. (PROSE: An Incident Concerning the Continual Bombardment of the Phobos Colony)
In a possible version of 2035, Divine Intervention ruled Earth with an iron fist. They maintained their grip by assassinating their enemies with drones. These occurred often enough that the drone attack which led to the death of Tania Bell was barely acknowledged by the populace. (AUDIO: Snow)
In the mid-20th century, the CyberMondans used caterpillar-like creatures which Ace identified as drones. (COMIC: The Good Soldier) Their counterparts in the Cyberiad made use of cybermites, (TV: Nightmare in Silver) while the Cybermen of the Cyber-Empire used cyber-drones. (TV: Ascension of the Cybermen)
The basic Dalek units were referred to as Dalek drones. (GAME: City of the Daleks) A British Army unit that intercepted the Reconnaissance Dalek referred to it as an "unknown drone". (TV: Resolution)
Among the medical amenities of Battle TARDISes were medi-drones, autonomous drones capable of administering the correct dosage of a drug. (AUDIO: Eye of Harmony)