Dramos was an asteroid orbiting Titania (PROSE: Burning Heart) in the Horsehead Nebula. (PROSE: The Mary-Sue Extrusion)
The non-human indigenous population used ginju leaf extract to produce an antixenocarcinogen. (PROSE: The Mary-Sue Extrusion)
An Earth Empire outpost, the Habitat, was established on Dramos. (PROSE: Burning Heart) As a reward for his role in "the business on Dramos", the Stratum Seven Agent was awarded the Keys to the Citadel, which gave him the right to visit colonist-only recreation habitats. (PROSE: The Mary-Sue Extrusion)
The Sixth Doctor and Peri visited Dramos in 3174. By then the Habitat had been abandoned by the Empire, and trade in Earth Reptile pituitary analogue extract had been made illegal. (PROSE: Burning Heart)