- You may be looking for The Doctor Who theme.
In 1978, Geoff Love developed the Doctor Who theme tune, with help from Iris Wildthyme, when she went undercover as a cellist/Space: 1999 fan. She had helped advise Geoff on his arrangements, and she had helped him develop the brass section to make it sound like "menacing, evening hordes of the Doctor's enemies".
Iris later thought that the theme was a sort of a "disco version in brass and woodwind". When Paul Magrs was eight, he owned a copy of the theme on record, and Iris also owned a copy on tape. (PROSE: Bafflement and Devotion) David also owned a copy, which he listened to with his friend Robert Woolf. (PROSE: The Diary of a Dr. Who Addict)
Behind the scenes[]
Geoff Love's Doctor Who theme does exist in reality, albeit under the name of "Dr. Who", as a part of his album, "Geoff Love & His Orchestra: Star Wars and Other Galactic Themes".[1]
The cover of the album would be later paid homage by the cover of Tsar Wars.