Doctor Who Files 7: The Daleks was the seventh book in the Doctor Who Files range.
Publisher's summary[]
The Daleks
Who are the Daleks? Find out all about the Daleks, their Allies and enemies, home planet and technology, then join them in a brand new adventure in Mission to Galacton.
Main focus[]
- Aimed at younger readers and testing their reading comprehension every few pages with fold-out "Test your Knowledge" pages (a series of five multiple choice questions), each title in the Doctor Who Files series focused on a character or topic from the television series and was fully illustrated with colour photographs throughout and included a new short prose adventure.
The Daleks
- Meet the Daleks
- Dalek Data
- Dalek Anatomy
- Test Your Knowledge
Dalek Allies
- The Emperor Dalek
- The Game Station
- Torchwood
- The Cult of Skaro
- Test Your Knowledge
Dalek Enemies
- The Doctor
- Rose and Captain Jack
- Henry van Statten
- The Cybermen
- Test Your Knowledge
History of the Daleks
- The Great Time War
- Dalek Survival
- Test Your Knowledge
Weapons and Technology
- Dalek Space Saucers
- Tool Attachments
- The Genesis Ark
- Test Your Knowledge
Dalek Encounters
- Test Your Knowledge
Test Your Knowledge Answers
New fiction[]
- Mission to Galacton Written by Justin Richards
- Each title in the series was priced £5.99 (UK).
- Print run: to be added
- Main Writer Jacqueline Rayner
- Series editor: not stated
- Series Designer: not stated