It launched as a replacement for Titan's Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor series, with the opening story continuing the storyline that began in the latter's truncated second year. Unlike the series that came before it, this series reset its issue numbering with every four-part story arc, effectively making every story its own four issue miniseries.
At an unspecified point, a version of the comic began being published in the United Kingdom. Unlike its American counterpart, the issue numbering was not reset with each successive story arc (i.e. the Missy miniseries was numbered as issues 5 through 8). The cover numbering and GBP price tag appears to be the only thing that differentiates the UK version, with the interiors, right down to the indicia, being identical to the US version.
Three one-shot specials were written by Dan Slott and published under the Doctor Who Comic cover title.[1] Each one featured different Doctors and companions.[2]
While the cover reads "Doctor Who Comic", the indicia gives the title of the series as "Doctor Who". It was the first comic series to hold this title since Doctor Who (2011). Each subsequent miniseries was given a subtitle: