This article needs a big cleanup.
This is a "List of directors'", more than a page describing the job itself, or its history in DWU production. The lead needs expanding
These problems might be so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Talk about it here or check the revision history or Manual of Style for more information.
Following is a list of Doctor Who, Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Class, K9 and Company and K9 television stories and the directors who worked on each.
Doctor Who[]
Season 1[]
- An Unearthly Child - Waris Hussein
- The Daleks
- "The Dead Planet" - Christopher Barry
- "The Survivors" - Christopher Barry
- "The Escape" - Richard Martin
- "The Ambush" - Christopher Barry
- "The Expedition" - Christopher Barry
- "The Ordeal" - Richard Martin
- "The Rescue" - Christopher Barry
- The Edge of Destruction
- "The Edge of Destruction" - Richard Martin
- "The Brink of Disaster" - Frank Cox
- Marco Polo
- "The Roof of the World" - Waris Hussein
- "The Singing Sands" - Waris Hussein
- "Five Hundred Eyes" - Waris Hussein
- "The Wall of Lies" - John Crockett
- "Rider from Shang-Tu" - Waris Hussein
- "Mighty Kublai Khan" - Waris Hussein
- "Assassin at Peking" - Waris Hussein
- The Keys of Marinus - John Gorrie
- The Aztecs - John Crockett
- The Sensorites
- "Strangers in Space" - Mervyn Pinfield
- "The Unwilling Warriors" - Mervyn Pinfield
- "Hidden Danger" - Mervyn Pinfield
- "A Race Against Death" - Mervyn Pinfield
- "Kidnap" - Frank Cox
- "A Desperate Venture" - Frank Cox
- The Reign of Terror
- "A Land of Fear" - Henric Hirsch
- "Guests of Madame Guillotine" - Henric Hirsch
- "A Change of Identity" - John Gorrie (uncredited, believed to be but uncertain)
- "The Tyrant of France" - Henric Hirsch
- "A Bargain of Necessity" - Henric Hirsch
- "Prisoners of Conciergerie" - Henric Hirsch
Season 2[]
- Planet of Giants
- "Planet of Giants" - Mervyn Pinfield
- "Dangerous Journey" - Douglas Camfield
- "Crisis" - Douglas Camfield
- The Dalek Invasion of Earth - Richard Martin
- The Rescue - Christopher Barry
- The Romans - Christopher Barry
- The Web Planet - Richard Martin
- The Crusade - Douglas Camfield
- The Space Museum - Mervyn Pinfield
- The Chase - Richard Martin
- The Time Meddler - Douglas Camfield
Season 3[]
- Galaxy 4 - Derek Martinus
- Mission to the Unknown - Derek Martinus
- The Myth Makers - Michael Leeston-Smith
- The Daleks' Master Plan - Douglas Camfield
- The Massacre - Paddy Russell
- The Ark - Michael Imison
- The Celestial Toymaker - Bill Sellars
- The Gunfighters - Rex Tucker
- The Savages - Christopher Barry
- The War Machines - Michael Ferguson
Season 4[]
- The Smugglers - Julia Smith
- The Tenth Planet - Derek Martinus
- The Power of the Daleks - Christopher Barry
- The Highlanders - Hugh David
- The Underwater Menace - Julia Smith
- The Moonbase - Morris Barry
- The Macra Terror - John Davies
- The Faceless Ones - Gerry Mill
- The Evil of the Daleks - Derek Martinus
Season 5[]
- The Tomb of the Cybermen - Morris Barry
- The Abominable Snowmen - Gerald Blake
- The Ice Warriors - Derek Martinus
- The Enemy of the World - Barry Letts
- The Web of Fear - Douglas Camfield
- Fury from the Deep - Hugh David
- The Wheel in Space - Tristan de Vere Cole
Season 6[]
- The Dominators - Morris Barry
- The Mind Robber - David Maloney
- The Invasion - Douglas Camfield
- The Krotons - David Maloney
- The Seeds of Death - Michael Ferguson
- The Space Pirates - Michael Hart
- The War Games - David Maloney
Season 7[]
- Spearhead from Space - Derek Martinus
- Doctor Who and the Silurians - Timothy Combe
- The Ambassadors of Death - Michael Ferguson
- Inferno - Douglas Camfield
Season 8[]
- Terror of the Autons - Barry Letts
- The Mind of Evil - Timothy Combe
- The Claws of Axos - Michael Ferguson
- Colony in Space - Michael Briant
- The Dæmons - Christopher Barry
Season 9[]
- Day of the Daleks - Paul Bernard
- The Curse of Peladon - Lennie Mayne
- The Sea Devils - Michael Briant
- The Mutants - Christopher Barry
- The Time Monster - Paul Bernard
Season 10[]
- The Three Doctors - Lennie Mayne
- Carnival of Monsters - Barry Letts
- Frontier in Space - Paul Bernard and David Maloney
- Planet of the Daleks - David Maloney
- The Green Death - Michael Briant
Season 11[]
- The Time Warrior - Alan Bromly
- Invasion of the Dinosaurs - Paddy Russell
- Death to the Daleks - Michael Briant
- The Monster of Peladon - Lennie Mayne
- Planet of the Spiders - Barry Letts
Season 12[]
- Robot - Christopher Barry
- The Ark in Space - Rodney Bennett
- The Sontaran Experiment - Rodney Bennett
- Genesis of the Daleks - David Maloney
- Revenge of the Cybermen - Michael Briant
Season 13[]
- Terror of the Zygons - Douglas Camfield
- Planet of Evil - David Maloney
- Pyramids of Mars - Paddy Russell
- The Android Invasion - Barry Letts
- The Brain of Morbius - Christopher Barry
- The Seeds of Doom - Douglas Camfield
Season 14[]
- The Masque of Mandragora - Rodney Bennett
- The Hand of Fear - Lennie Mayne
- The Deadly Assassin - David Maloney
- The Face of Evil - Pennant Roberts
- The Robots of Death - Michael Briant
- The Talons of Weng-Chiang - David Maloney
Season 15[]
- Horror of Fang Rock - Paddy Russell
- The Invisible Enemy - Derrick Goodwin
- Image of the Fendahl - George Spenton-Foster
- The Sun Makers - Pennant Roberts
- Underworld - Norman Stewart
- The Invasion of Time - Gerald Blake
Season 16 (The Key to Time)[]
- The Ribos Operation - George Spenton-Foster
- The Pirate Planet - Pennant Roberts
- The Stones of Blood - Darrol Blake
- The Androids of Tara - Michael Hayes
- The Power of Kroll - Norman Stewart
- The Armageddon Factor - Michael Hayes
Season 17[]
- Destiny of the Daleks - Ken Grieve
- City of Death - Michael Hayes
- The Creature from the Pit - Christopher Barry
- Nightmare of Eden - Alan Bromly
- The Horns of Nimon - Kenny McBain
- Shada - Pennant Roberts
Season 18[]
- The Leisure Hive - Lovett Bickford
- Meglos - Terence Dudley
- Full Circle - Peter Grimwade
- State of Decay - Peter Moffatt
- Warriors' Gate - Paul Joyce
- The Keeper of Traken - John Black
- Logopolis - Peter Grimwade
Season 19[]
- Castrovalva - Fiona Cumming
- Four to Doomsday - John Black
- Kinda - Peter Grimwade
- The Visitation - Peter Moffatt
- Black Orchid - Ron Jones
- Earthshock - Peter Grimwade
- Time-Flight - Ron Jones
Season 20[]
- Arc of Infinity - Ron Jones
- Snakedance - Fiona Cumming
- Mawdryn Undead - Peter Moffatt
- Terminus - Mary Ridge
- Enlightenment - Fiona Cumming
- The King's Demons - Tony Virgo
20th anniversary[]
- The Five Doctors - Peter Moffatt
Season 21[]
- Warriors of the Deep - Pennant Roberts
- The Awakening - Michael Owen Morris
- Frontios - Ron Jones
- Resurrection of the Daleks - Matthew Robinson
- Planet of Fire - Fiona Cumming
- The Caves of Androzani - Graeme Harper
- The Twin Dilemma - Peter Moffatt
Season 22[]
- Attack of the Cybermen - Matthew Robinson
- Vengeance on Varos - Ron Jones
- The Mark of the Rani - Sarah Hellings
- The Two Doctors - Peter Moffatt
- Timelash - Pennant Roberts
- Revelation of the Daleks - Graeme Harper
Season 23 (The Trial of a Time Lord)[]
- The Mysterious Planet - Nicholas Mallett
- Mindwarp - Ron Jones
- Terror of the Vervoids - Chris Clough
- The Ultimate Foe - Chris Clough
Season 24[]
- Time and the Rani - Andrew Morgan
- Paradise Towers - Nicholas Mallett
- Delta and the Bannermen - Chris Clough
- Dragonfire - Chris Clough
Season 25[]
- Remembrance of the Daleks - Andrew Morgan
- The Happiness Patrol - Chris Clough
- Silver Nemesis - Chris Clough
- The Greatest Show in the Galaxy - Alan Wareing
Season 26[]
- Battlefield - Michael Kerrigan
- Ghost Light - Alan Wareing
- The Curse of Fenric - Nicholas Mallett
- Survival - Alan Wareing
Television Movie[]
Series 1[]
- Rose - Keith Boak
- The End of the World - Euros Lyn
- The Unquiet Dead - Euros Lyn
- Aliens of London / World War Three- Keith Boak
- Dalek - Joe Ahearne
- The Long Game - Brian Grant
- Father's Day - Joe Ahearne
- The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances - James Hawes
- Boom Town - Joe Ahearne
- Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways - Joe Ahearne
Series 2[]
- The Christmas Invasion - James Hawes
- New Earth - James Hawes
- Tooth and Claw - Euros Lyn
- School Reunion - James Hawes
- The Girl in the Fireplace - Euros Lyn
- Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel - Graeme Harper
- The Idiot's Lantern - Euros Lyn
- The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit - James Strong
- Love & Monsters - Dan Zeff
- Fear Her - Euros Lyn
- Army of Ghosts / Doomsday - Graeme Harper
Series 3[]
- The Runaway Bride - Euros Lyn
- Smith and Jones - Charles Palmer
- The Shakespeare Code - Charles Palmer
- Gridlock - Richard Clark
- Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks - James Strong
- The Lazarus Experiment - Richard Clark
- 42 - Graeme Harper
- Human Nature / The Family of Blood - Charles Palmer
- Blink - Hettie MacDonald
- Utopia - Graeme Harper
- The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords - Colin Teague
Series 4[]
- Voyage of the Damned - James Strong
- Partners in Crime - James Strong
- The Fires of Pompeii - Colin Teague
- Planet of the Ood - Graeme Harper
- The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky- Douglas Mackinnon
- The Doctor's Daughter - Alice Troughton
- The Unicorn and the Wasp - Graeme Harper
- Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead - Euros Lyn
- Midnight - Alice Troughton
- Turn Left - Graeme Harper
- The Stolen Earth / Journey's End - Graeme Harper
2008-10 Specials[]
- The Next Doctor - Andy Goddard
- Planet of the Dead - James Strong
- The Waters of Mars - Graeme Harper
- The End of Time - Euros Lyn
Series 5[]
- The Eleventh Hour - Adam Smith
- The Beast Below - Andrew Gunn
- Victory of the Daleks - Andrew Gunn
- The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone - Adam Smith
- The Vampires of Venice - Jonny Campbell
- Amy's Choice - Catherine Morshead
- The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood - Ashley Way
- Vincent and the Doctor - Jonny Campbell
- The Lodger - Catherine Morshead
- The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang - Toby Haynes
Series 6[]
- A Christmas Carol - Toby Haynes
- The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon - Toby Haynes
- The Curse of the Black Spot - Jeremy Webb
- The Doctor's Wife - Richard Clark
- The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People - Julian Simpson
- A Good Man Goes to War - Peter Hoar
- Let's Kill Hitler - Richard Senior
- Night Terrors - Richard Clark
- The Girl Who Waited - Nick Hurran
- The God Complex - Nick Hurran
- Closing Time - Steve Hughes
- The Wedding of River Song - Jeremy Webb
Series 7[]
- The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe - Farren Blackburn
- Asylum of the Daleks - Nick Hurran
- Dinosaurs on a Spaceship - Saul Metzstein
- A Town Called Mercy - Saul Metzstein
- The Power of Three - Douglas Mackinnon
- The Angels Take Manhattan - Nick Hurran
- The Snowmen - Saul Metzstein
- The Bells of Saint John - Colm McCarthy
- The Rings of Akhaten - Farren Blackburn
- Cold War - Douglas Mackinnon
- Hide - Jamie Payne
- Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS - Mat King
- The Crimson Horror - Saul Metzstein
- Nightmare in Silver - Stephen Woolfenden
- The Name of the Doctor - Saul Metzstein
2013 Specials[]
- The Night of the Doctor - John Hayes
- The Day of the Doctor - Nick Hurran
- The Time of the Doctor - Jamie Payne
Series 8[]
- Deep Breath - Ben Wheatley
- Into the Dalek - Ben Wheatley
- Robot of Sherwood - Paul Murphy
- Listen - Douglas Mackinnon
- Time Heist - Douglas Mackinnon
- The Caretaker - Paul Murphy
- Kill the Moon - Paul Wilmshurst
- Mummy on the Orient Express - Paul Wilmshurst
- Flatline - Douglas Mackinnon
- In the Forest of the Night - Sheree Folkson
- Dark Water / Death in Heaven - Rachel Talalay
- Last Christmas - Paul Wilmshurst
Series 9[]
- The Magician's Apprentice / The Witch's Familiar - Hettie MacDonald
- Under the Lake / Before the Flood - Daniel O'Hara
- The Girl Who Died - Ed Bazalgette
- The Woman Who Lived - Ed Bazalgette
- The Zygon Invasion / The Zygon Inversion - Daniel Nettheim
- Sleep No More - Justin Molotnikov
- Face the Raven - Justin Molotnikov
- Heaven Sent / Hell Bent - Rachel Talalay
- The Husbands of River Song - Douglas Mackinnon
Series 10[]
- The Return of Doctor Mysterio - Ed Bazalgette
- The Pilot - Lawrence Gough
- Smile - Lawrence Gough
- Thin Ice - Bill Anderson
- Knock Knock - Bill Anderson
- Oxygen - Charles Palmer
- Extremis - Daniel Nettheim
- The Pyramid at the End of the World - Daniel Nettheim
- The Lie of the Land - Wayne Yip
- Empress of Mars - Wayne Yip
- The Eaters of Light - Charles Palmer
- World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls - Rachel Talalay
- Twice Upon a Time - Rachel Talalay
Series 11[]
- The Woman Who Fell to Earth - Jamie Childs
- The Ghost Monument - Mark Tonderai
- Rosa - Mark Tonderai
- Arachnids in the UK - Sallie Aprahamian
- The Tsuranga Conundrum - Jennifer Perrott
- Demons of the Punjab - Jamie Childs
- Kerblam! - Jennifer Perrott
- The Witchfinders - Sallie Aprahamian
- It Takes You Away - Jamie Childs
- The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos - Jamie Childs
- Resolution - Wayne Yip
Series 12[]
- Spyfall Part 1 - Jamie Magnus Stone
- Spyfall Part 2 - Lee Haven Jones
- Orphan 55 - Lee Haven Jones
- Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror - Nida Manzoor
- Fugitive of the Judoon - Nida Manzoor
- Praxeus - Jamie Magnus Stone
- Can You Hear Me? - Emma Sullivan
- The Haunting of Villa Diodati - Emma Sullivan
- Ascension of the Cybermen / The Timeless Children - Jamie Magnus Stone
- Revolution of the Daleks - Lee Haven Jones
Series 13 (Flux)[]
- The Halloween Apocalypse - Jamie Magnus Stone
- War of the Sontarans - Jamie Magnus Stone
- Once, Upon Time - Azhur Saleem
- Village of the Angels - Jamie Magnus Stone
- Survivors of the Flux - Azhur Saleem
- The Vanquishers - Azhur Saleem
2022 Specials[]
- Eve of the Daleks - Annetta Laufer
- Legend of the Sea Devils - Haolu Wang
- The Power of the Doctor - Jamie Magnus Stone
K9 and Company[]
- A Girl's Best Friend - John Black
Series 1[]
- Everything Changes - Brian Kelly
- Day One - Brian Kelly
- Ghost Machine - Colin Teague
- Cyberwoman - James Strong
- Small Worlds - Alice Troughton
- Countrycide - Andy Goddard
- Greeks Bearing Gifts - Colin Teague
- They Keep Killing Suzie - James Strong
- Random Shoes - James Erskine
- Out of Time - Alice Troughton
- Combat - Andy Goddard
- Captain Jack Harkness - Ashley Way
- End of Days - Ashley Way
Series 2[]
- Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang - Ashley Way
- Sleeper - Colin Teague
- To the Last Man - Andy Goddard
- Meat - Colin Teague
- Adam - Andy Goddard
- Reset - Ashley Way
- Dead Man Walking - Andy Goddard
- A Day in the Death - Andy Goddard
- Something Borrowed - Ashley Way
- From Out of the Rain - Jonathan Fox Bassett
- Adrift - Mark Everest
- Fragments - Jonathan Fox Bassett
- Exit Wounds - Ashley Way
Series 3 (Children of Earth)[]
Series 4 (Miracle Day)[]
- The New World - Bharat Nalluri
- Rendition - Billy Gierhart
- Dead of Night - Billy Gierhart
- Escape to LA - Billy Gierhart
- The Categories of Life - Guy Ferland
- The Middle Men - Guy Ferland
- Immortal Sins - Gwyneth Horder-Payton
- End of the Road - Gwyneth Horder-Payton
- The Gathering - Guy Ferland
- The Blood Line - Billy Gierhargt
The Sarah Jane Adventures[]
Series 1[]
- Invasion of the Bane - Colin Teague
- Revenge of the Slitheen - Alice Troughton
- Eye of the Gorgon - Alice Troughton
- Warriors of Kudlak - Charles Martin
- Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? - Graeme Harper
- The Lost Boy - Charles Martin
Series 2[]
- The Last Sontaran - Joss Agnew
- The Day of the Clown - Michael Kerrigan
- Secrets of the Stars - Micheal Kerrigan
- The Mark of the Berserker - Joss Agnew
- The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith - Graeme Harper
- Enemy of the Bane - Graeme Harper
Series 3[]
- Prisoner of the Judoon - Joss Agnew
- The Mad Woman in the Attic - Alice Troughton
- The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith - Joss Agnew
- The Eternity Trap - Alice Troughton
- Mona Lisa's Revenge - Joss Agnew
- The Gift - Alice Troughton
Series 4[]
- The Nightmare Man - Joss Agnew
- The Vault of Secrets - Joss Agnew
- Death of the Doctor - Ashley Way
- The Empty Planet - Ashley Way
- Lost in Time - Joss Agnew
- Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith - Joss Agnew
Series 5[]
- Sky - Ashley Way
- The Curse of Clyde Langer - Ashley Way
- The Man Who Never Was - Ashley Way
Series 1[]
- For Tonight We Might Die - Ed Bazalgette
- The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo - Ed Bazalgette
- Nightvisiting' - Ed Bazalgette
- Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart - Philippa Langdale
- Brave-ish Heart' - Philippa Langdale
- Detained - Wayne Yip
- The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did - Wayne Yip
- The Lost - Julian Holmes
Series 1[]
- Regeneration - David Caesar and Mark DeFriest
- Liberation - David Caesar and David Napier
- The Korven - Karl Zwicky
- The Bounty Hunter - James Bogle
- Sirens of Ceres - Daniel Nettheim
- Fear Itself - Karl Zwicky
- The Fall of the House of Gryffen - Daniel Nettheim
- Jaws of Orthrus - James Bogle
- Dream-Eaters - Daniel Nettheim
- Curse of Anubis - Karl Zwicky
- Oroborus - Daniel Nettheim
- Alien Avatar - Karl Zwicky
- Aeolian - Karl Zwicky
- The Last Oak Tree - Dale Bradley
- Black Hunger - James Bogle
- The Cambridge Spy - Mark DeFriest
- Lost Library of Ukko - Mark DeFriest
- Mutant Copper - James Bogle
- The Custodians - James Bogle
- Taphony and the Time Loop - Mark DeFriest
- Robot Gladiators - James Bogle
- Mind Snap - David Napier
- Angel of the North - Mark DeFriest
- The Last Precinct - James Bogle
- Hound of the Korven - Mark DeFriest
- The Eclipse of the Korven - David Napier