Department Mobile HQ was a mobile headquarters unit of the Department, usually located in London. Thorne, Drake, and June regularly used this as their headquarters when they were not in the Department HQ.
June was confronted by Drake when she called Jorjie to check up on her from the Mobile HQ. (TV: The Korven)
June and Drake argued about K9 while in the Mobile HQ. (TV: The Bounty Hunter)
Drake and June discuss Jorjie's misbehavior while in the Mobile HQ. (TV: Sirens of Ceres)
A technician detected an incoming ship from the Mobile HQ. (TV: Curse of Anubis)
The Mobile HQ was held up in traffic by the amount of people going to the emergency rooms. (TV: The Custodians)
Thorne responded to Taphony's escape from prison while in the Mobile HQ. (TV: Taphony and the Time Loop)
Thorne reported to Lomax about the end of the Crashclub from the Mobile HQ. (TV: Robot Gladiators)
Four infected CCPCs attacked the mobile HQ when June and Thorne were commanding from it. (TV: The Last Precinct)
June commanded from the Mobile HQ while K9 and Starkey confronted the Jixen in the sewers. (TV: Hound of the Korven)