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Dawn was an organisation headed by Kinan Jans which watched over the universes contained within the 10,000 Dawns.


Dawn was headquartered in an artificial, utopian reality called Spiral, which had a series of portals to all ten thousand Dawns. (PROSE: Sonnenblumen) Graelyn Scythes described them as a "big interuniversal paramilitary group" who "[ran] around doing missions, helping people, trying to stop bad stuff, and fighting other interuniversal organisations". (PROSE: Rachel Survived) Agents of Dawn travelled between universes using crystalline incision portals. (PROSE: White Canvas)


After "some misadventures", Graelyn Scythes and Archimedes Von Ahnerabe, originally native to one universe within the 10,000 Dawns, were recruited by Dawn. One of their missions came about after they learned that the Arbiter of Knives, followed by spies from the Great Assimilation, had decided to enter the Totality to still the Book of Books. The Firmament had bribed the member of their local counterpart species charged with watching out for intruders from other universes to ignore "anything funny" going on with Rachel Edwards, a journalist who was working on a story about the book, which was being held at the New York Public Library. Graelyn and Arch saved her from being abducted by the Arbiter, the Assimilation spies, on the Strid. In the end, thanks to her help as much as their own efforts, they were able to prevent the Book of Books from falling into the wrong hands. (PROSE: Rachel Survived)

Dawn leader Kinan Jans once received a visit from a person claiming to be an Emissary from the Firmament-counterparts, complaining that a rogue Knight of Sky had stolen a powerful artefact from their kind. Kinan dispatched Archimedes Von Ahnerabe and Graelyn Scythes to catch the thief; they did so, only to discover that the Emissary was actually a rogue operator named Auteur who had engineered the whole situation to trick the Original Mammoths into taking all the inhabitants of the 10,000 Dawns, starting with the Firmament and Dawn, out of time and space using the painted warriors. Auteur then took the artefact for herself and used it to turn them all into fiction for seventeen years, during which Graelyn Scythes, who had been reduced to a baby, grew up again in Auteur's Town. In the movies staring Archimedes that she grew up watching, Dawn appeared as the secretive organisation for which Archimedes worked, with Celeste Roth as his partner instead of Graelyn. Eventually, Graelyn rallied with her friends to defeat Auteur, and managed to reverse everything she'd done. Subsequently, powers from the Dawns, includign Dawn itself, signed the Christmas Needle Agreement with representatives of Auteur's universe to ensure neither would attack the other without warning like this ever again. (PROSE: White Canvas)

During the Invisible Infernos crisis, Coloth and Rich, travellers from a distant universe beyond the Dawns, worked in collaboration with Dawn. (PROSE: Sonnenblumen)
