A data cloud was a collection of information stored electronically.
In 2013, the Great Intelligence used an organisation run by Rosemary Kizlet to upload peoples' souls through Wi-Fi into the data cloud in order to feed its form; this was performed by disguised robots called Spoonheads. After Clara Oswald had been uploaded to this cloud, the Eleventh Doctor hacked into a Spoonhead and used it to upload Kizlet herself to the cloud. At Kizlet's order, the cloud was subsequently downloaded, freeing the souls. (TV: The Bells of Saint John)
Missy used a Matrix data slice to store the minds of the recently deceased into a data cloud so that the emotions could be altered and upgraded once their minds were downloaded back into converted Cybermen. (TV: Dark Water, Death in Heaven)
On 30 December in 9,000,000,000, the Great Upload took place as the descendants of the human race uploaded their consciousnesses to a cloud. They downloaded into bipedal meat bodies another 500,000 years later. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary)