The Dark Ages were an era in human history following the fall of the Roman Empire.
The First Rani was present during the Dark Ages at some point, extracting chemicals from the brains of humans. (TV: The Mark of the Rani)
Sergeant Kyle, in response to the Sevateem Leela's suggestion that he use torture to gain information from a member of the Tong of the Black Scorpion, told her that it was not the Dark Ages. (TV: The Talons of Weng-Chiang)
After Sarah Jane Smith insulted Rose Tyler's age by suggesting she was still at school, her come back was asking Sarah Jane Smith if she was from the Dark Ages. (TV: School Reunion)
As the Tenth Doctor explained to Donna Noble, Charlemagne "practically dragged Europe out of the Dark Ages." (PROSE: The Lonely Computer)
Jorjie Turner suggested using the Space-Time Manipulator to visit the Dark Ages. (TV: Liberation)
In an alternate timeline, Ruby Sunday, trying to pay for a room at Y Pren Marw, asked if she could with her phone, as she did not have cash. The landlady at first tried to act as if she did not understand the concept, before telling her that she could in fact pay using it, quipping that "We're not quite the Dark Ages, young lady, despite what they say." (TV: 73 Yards)