The 511th issue of Doctor Who Magazine was cover dated May 2017.
This was the first cover to feature Pearl Mackie as Bill Potts.
Profiles / Interviews[]
Comic strip[]
- Doorway to Hell Part Four
- Story: Mark Wright
- Art: Staz Johnson
- Colours: James Offredi
- Letters: Roger Langridge
- Editor: Scott Gray
Regular features[]
The Fact of Fiction[]
The DWM Review[]
- DVD: Wartime Chronicles, The Doctors: The Jon Pertwee Years
- Audio: Casualties of War, The Lost Planet, The Eternal Battle, The Contingency Club, Gardeners' Worlds, The World Beyond the Trees
- Win Twelfth Doctor novels (Diamond Dogs, Plague City and The Shining Man)
- Win Adam Hargreaves Dr. Men books
- Win Alien Heart/Dalek Soul CDs
- Win The Mind of Evil talking book
- Win The Companion's Companion and T is for TARDIS books-
Coming soon[]
- Books: Diamond Dogs, The Shining Man, Plague City
- Audio: Assembled, Vortex Ice/Cortex Fire, The Lost Magic, The Haunting of Malkin Place, Torchwood: Corpse Day
- Talking book: Planet of Giants
The Time Team[]
Galaxy Forum[]
- DWM readers discuss the previous issue of the magazine and bid farewell to Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor
Production notes[]
- Ask Steven Moffat
- The head writer and executive producer introduces the writers for the 2017 series
A History of Doctor Who in 100 Objects...[]
- Mrs Zaroff's death certificate
Supporting artists of the month[]
- The villagers badly rhubarbing in The Visitation
Special features[]
- Episode previews
- Editor: Tom Spilsbury
- Deputy Editor: Peter Ware
- Art Editor: Richard Atkinson
- Editorial Assistant: Emily Cook
- Panini UK Ltd
- Managing Director: Mike Riddell
- Managing Editor: Alan O'Keefe
- Head of Production: Mark Irvine
- Production Assistant: Jez Meteyard
- Circulation & Trade Marketing Controller: Rebecca Smith
- Head of Marketing: Jess Tadmor
- Marketing Executives: Jess Bell, Becci Andrews
- BBC Worldwide, UK Publishing
- Director of Editorial Governance: Nicholas Brett
- Director of Consumer Products and Publishing: Andrew Moultrie
- Head of UK Publishing: Chris Kerwin
- Publisher: Mandy Thwaites
- Publishing Co-ordinator: Eva Abramik