The 146th issue of Doctor Who Magazine had a cover date of March 1989.
Comic content[]
- Time and Tide - Part Two of our comic strip story, as the Seventh Doctor seeks to escape drowning! Will worrying help? By John Carnell, artwork by Dougie Braithwaite
- Archive Feature: TV: Fury from the Deep (Part 2) (retelling by episode, no credits but a Fact File by Andrew Pixley)
- Episode Guide: Jon Pertwee: Season 9 and 10
- Writing Doctor Who: Victor Pemberton - DWM talks to the writer of Fury from the Deep, about his work on Doctor Who and future plans
- Writing Doctor Who: Kevin Clarke and Stephen Wyatt - Continuing our analysis of Season 25 in conversation with two of its script writers
Reviews - After Image[]
- TV: Silver Nemesis
Reviews - Off the Shelf[]
- REFERENCE: Doctor Who: Cybermen by David Banks (Who Dares Publishing)
- REFERENCE: Encyclopedia of The Worlds of Doctor Who: E-K by David Saunders (Piccadilly Press)
- NOVELISATION: Delta and the Bannermen by Malcolm Kohll (Target Books)
- NOVELISATION: Dragonfire by Ian Briggs (Target Books)
Random quote[]
"Professor? Who are you?"
Also featuring[]
- Gallifrey Guardian (News)
- Rel Time (Events listing)
- You on Who (Letters)
- Data Coils (Pen-pals)
- Doctor Who? by Tim Quinn and Dicky Howett
- Nick's View by Nick Miller
- Competition: to win a TARDIS telephone from Holdcourt priced £99.99 (UK)
- Editor/Designer: John Freeman
- Assistant Editor: Louise Cassell
- Production: Alison Kingwill
- Advertising: Julie Hughes
- Advisor: John Nathan-Turner
- Magazine Group Editor: Sheila Cranna
- Publisher: Stan Lee
Additional details[]
to be added