The 126th issue of Doctor Who Magazine had a cover date of July 1987. Following Patrick Troughton's death on 28 March, this issue served as an obituary with tributes from several people.
- Patrick Troughton - A Tribute; David J. Howe looks back over Patrick Troughton's career
- Patrick Troughton - A Personal Tribute By Frazer Hines
Comic content[]
- The Gift - Part 4
- Archive Feature: TV: Warriors of the Deep (retelling by episode, no credits but a 'Fact File' by Richard Marson)
- Episode Guide: The Second Doctor (a summary) (1966-1969) with rare colour photos.
Interviews / Profiles[]
- Companions - Victoria Waterfield; she came from a cosseted background unlikely to suit her to the hazards of time travel. However Victoria showed courage and initiative and made great friends of the Doctor and Jamie.
- A3 Patrick Troughton Colour photo spread including cast and crew photo of The Two Doctors
- A4 An Ice Warrior
- None
Reviews - Off the Shelf[]
- None
Also featuring[]
- You On Who (Letters)
- Doctor Who? by Tim Quinn & Dicky Howett
- Gallifrey Guardian
- Matrix Databank
- 23rd Season Survey Results
- Editor: Sheila Cranna
- Assistant Editor: Penny Holme
- Art Editor / Designer: Steve Cook
- Art Assistant: Gary Knight
- Production: Alison Gill
- Advertising: Donna Wickers
- Advisor: John Nathan-Turner
- Publisher: Stan Lee
Additional details[]
- Patrick Troughton Tribute Issue.
- An editorial tries to explain about the cover price rise to £1 (UK) and page count, to give the best value but not sacrifice the number of colour pages. Next issue has an increase in colour pages and price to confuse the issue even more!